Spiritual healing

Fortunate is a man who is free from diseases. However, it seems to be rare. But the thing is why we get them at all? Why we cannot be entirely free from them. I pondered over this matter thousand of times in the past and reached some substantial conclusions. In the midway I will also take you in some unknown less discussed alleys to make you understand the subject in its entirety. First of all we can bifurcate the diseases into two categories namely physical and mental. According to medical science our food habits, environment, genetic disposition are largely responsible for the diseases we suffer physically. As far as mental diseases are concerned they more or less are related with childhood environment, genetic disposition, unfulfilled desires and suppressed emotions. However, when we tread upon spiritual path we come to know there is only one thing for all sufferings whether physical or mental and that is nothing but 'Karma' (your deeds of past and present births). Precisely speaking, every karma boomerangs (revert back), so, we take birth in a particular family, in a peculiar environment with a unique pattern of incidents, different anatomies and mental make-ups. In other words as we sow as we reap. Undoubtedly, genetic disposition plays somewhat larger part in our physical as well mental make-up. But this seems to be predestined since you have no choice in selecting the right genes for the healthy future of a child. It is a well-known scientific truth that out of millions of sperms only one takes lead to decide the physical and mental future of a child. But who makes it decisive at all? In the past scientists termed it as mere co-incidence. This is one of the most decisive factors contains in itself the whole future of a child. And they bent upon saying that it was mere co-incidence. Don't you think it was utter rubbish? Okay, today's science has become so advanced that it can also inject a particular gene to have a desired child for demanding parents. But I must say please give me a full-blown example to make you stand on more firm grounds. If with the help of their genetic transplantation they can give birth to another great scientist like Einstein or the legendary boxer like Mohammad Ali with the same success rate as they had only then they can be referred as an Omnipotent creating according to his choice. You may say science would prove its mettle one day. Sorry, I don't believe in post-dated cheques. Now comes the environment. Did you have any choice to select it when you stepped in your mother's womb? I would say utterly a big ' No'. As far as your food habits are concerned, think, why we people have different tastes at all? In spite of knowing that we have been heading towards graveyard gradually due to our eating habits why we cant control them? If we more or less control them why we feel like something important missing in our life? Undoubtedly, we can say firmly that our mind is taking edge over the body. But why we feel helpless when confronting with mind? There are lots of questions come to the fore. Why we get a particular childhood environment to make our life hell? Why we get failure at all? Why not only success prevails in our way? You may say our lack of caliber and efforts have a great say for being unsuccessful. However, remember Einstein he was school dropped out. He failed in his classes. He was below average student. He did not learn to speak words till the age of 8th. He was considered to be of dull minded in his childhood as well as in his teenage. All of a sudden he shocked the world with his 'Theory of the relativity' within one year of this completion of the graduation. And that also he passed out with great struggle. Again his 'Quantum Theory' made the world dumbfounded. Now don't provide me with the most illusive word 'Miracle' to illustrate the above example. Just talk to me on logical plane. How it happened? How you will explain all this phenomena. It seems as if Einstein's life was waiting for a right moment. And that right moment made all the difference. You may call it great fortune. Sorry, fortune is a kind of word which sounds like mere superstition. My discretion does not accept it at all. For me karma theory is more logical since I have gone through the scientifically proved rebirth cases. I have gone through the Vedas. I have gone through the 'Geeta'. I have read Christ. I know what the great saints said in the past. For me science means going through three stages successively namely observation, experimentation and hypothecation. When I did it in accordance with the dictates of our Seers I found the truth in their all utterings. They say that we inherit good as well as bad karmas from our previous incarnations. When the bad karma manifests we face suffering in accordance with the quantity of karma. As soon as the bad one exhausts itself the good one comes on the surface and we witness in our life a qualitative change of course for better only. Einstein said," It is the theory which decides the nature of practice". So, if scientists are really very serious in finding out the real truth they have to change their instruments as well as their theory. You can't measure everything with a same scale. I respect science since it has given so much to the world. However, I hate it because it wants to prove everything with its own stale theories. Go through the guidelines as were laid by our spiritual scientists or saints. Then only you can reach any substantial conclusion unless remain in the well like a frog and go on thumping your chest that you have measured the sea. Now lets talk about the less discussed subject so far namely 'Spiritual Healing'? In spiritual healing initially we make us understand the type of karma, which has been proving to be a spoilsport in an individual's life. We have to understand why at all a particular kind of karma is resulting itself in terms of psychological as well as physical troubles to him? Above all, why an individual is bounded with a particular karma at all? For your information nobody can be trapped in the web of karmas without having his peculiar inborn tendencies to his credit. And these natural inborn tendencies send him in a particular genetic environment in accordance with the 'law of karma'. You would say what do I mean by tendencies? How they bind anyone in the web of karmas. Here is an example. Imagine a person who is bubbling with confidence and shares a larger ego than anybody else since his childhood. Since he enjoyed great success and got only appreciations in his last incarnations. Now in the present life these qualities also help him to earn great fortune. Gradually this seemingly unended success makes him somewhat arrogant. He starts considering every person inferior to him. He also takes avail of his muscular strength and misuse it for winning the arguments in his side. However, he forgets a simple law of nature that nothing is permanent on this earth. The things come and go. Everybody inherits good as well as bad karmas from his previous incarnations. Therefore as soon as his accumulated punyas (virtuous deeds) see their last phase his life starts taking a different turn. He now starts tasting failures most of the time. The persons to whom he humiliated with a dint of his knowledge and success now have an edge over him. His health starts deteriorating. Now he has no muscular strength to rule the world. What will be consequences of all these? Now he has no confidence. He has lost everything on which he used to be proud of previously. Now nobody respects him. He now feels like a person who is good for nothing. Now the role of a Spiritual healer comes. He would suggest to him to learn the lesson instead of blaming upon his fortune. Be an observer and accept whatever it may come in his way. Since now nature is teaching him a lesson. If he learns it with his entire concentration he would be relieved very soon unless it might take his whole life. This is the very first step of healing. The next comes the purification of your charkas. Precisely speaking there are seven psychic points in your body placed in your spine. I will not elaborate them so in order to understand them go through any book based upon Kundalini. Due to the contamination of a particular Chakra you get mental or physical disease. And this impurity comes due to your karmas. Now a spiritual healer starts clearing them with his own spiritual strength of course strength nothing else. Then he goes on providing you with the required life force, which gets decreased due to the continuity of your ailing condition. Now comes the final phase and that is your body. After all it has been affected due to the disease. Now he suggests you the proper medicine in accordance with the God's command. Since only God knows what is the right medicine. This all he does in order to free you from the disease. Now keep one thing intact in your mind," There is nothing curable and there is nothing incurable in the divine world". In other words if God does not want even a smallest disease cannot be cured, on the contrary, he can cure the disease of Aids at his disposal since it is nothing but the consequence of karma only. . .