How To Overcome The 6 Most Common MLM Objections

You have just recently joined a mlm program or affiliate program and you are excited because you know that you have a good product or service and that this is just what everyone needs.

But when you talk to others or place ads on the internet, you don't get the response that you had hoped for. You get nothing more than objections!

Don't get discouraged! Don't despair! And most definitely, DON'T THROW IN THE TOWEL!

A real objection is nothing more than a request for more information! Now, there are those who say that they have objections, but they really are just making excuses and those people who are not willing to help themselves can't help you anyway.

Taking a look at the word "objection" we see embedded the word "object". There is an object or obstacle in the path of your prospective client or colleague. So let's remove those objections or obstacles.

Now there are six common objections that you are most likely to face and here they are:

No Time
No Interest
No Money
No Success
No Sales

No Time

The first thing that you need to do whenever you encounter an objection is to validate the objection. Say something like,"I appreciate you for telling me that and I know that you are a busy person..." Then neutralize the objection! "...but let me ask you this, 'How do you feel about that? What you are doing has left you with no time for your family, friends, or relaxation, or anything else for that matter!'" Finally, counteract the objection. "That is why you should look at this program because it will create the time and the income that you desire."

No Interest

The objector says to you, "I have no interest in your program." He is assuming that he already knows what you are going to tell him. Your response, "I appreciate you sharing that with me (validate), because if I didn't have the information that I know, I probably woudn't be interested in it either (neutralize). But at least you should know what you are not interested in and see if it might be for you afterall. What if this was for you and you passed it up?" Or, you could say, "What are you not interested in? Not having more time, more money, etc.?" (counteract)

No Money

This is a very common objection and it is one of the easiest to handle. Say something like, "I am glad that you shared that with me (validate), but let me ask you a question, if you don't have the money today, why would you allow yourself to not have the money a year or two from now? (neutralize) That is why you should look at this program because it will help to create the income that you desire. (counteract)"

No Success

How many times have you ran into someone who said that they have a friend or relative that was involved in mlm or internet marketing and they made absolutely no money? It is pretty commonplace. I host web sites and some of my clients have told me that they use to be involved in certain big name programs, but had no success! The way to remove this objection is simple.

"I am glad that you shared that with me (validate), but is there a right way to do (whatever your objectors occupation may be) and a wrong way? (neutralize)" Their answer should be that there is a right way. "That is why you should look at this company because of their training program and the support system. (counteract)

When objectors use this reason, they are mainly frightened that they will be all alone without any training. So be sure to give them the above reassurance.

No Sales

How many of you like to sell? I don't! But I don't mind helping people and that is the basis for removing this objection when people say that they don't like sales.

Say something like this: "I appreciate you sharing that with me (validate), but we aren't looking for sales people. Do you like to help people? Do you like to share new ideas? (neutralize) That is what we do and why you should look at this company because it will radically change your mindset on what you can do in your life. Now if I showed you how to share new ideas with others that will make you money, would that hurt your feelings? (counteract)"


MLM and affiliate programs are not pyramids but are non-traditional businesses. Pyramids are illegal.

So remove the objection like this: "I appreciate you sharing that with me (validate), but we have great relationships with the attorney generals in all fifty states and the federal government would not permit a pyramid to operate. We are not a pyramid but a non-traditional business. (neutralize) That is why you should look at this program because it is a legal program that will combine your efforts with the efforts of others to earn you a satisfactory income. (Counteract)

There are more objections out there but these are the six most common. Once you learn how to remove these you should have more success in growing your business!

Mark Butts is the owner of Affordable Lifetime Hosting and uses the proceeds to support missionary efforts in the Philippines.