Media Dynamo Secrets

Participating on radio can be one of your most profitable marketing strategies. It's virtually free and, done properly, extremely effective. The checklist we provide here is designed to give you a thorough overview of strategies. It will not only help you set up interviews but handle them adroitly. Getting exposure on radio and TV is only half the battle. If you don't use that opportunity properly, it's a lost cause. With these techniques, however, there's no reason you can't sell books all over the country.

Remember the call letters of the special station, WPEI-AM.. If you bear these in mind, you'll always be a success. What is WPEI-AM? With Preparation and Enthusiasm, I Am Magnificent! There's no reason you can't be a media dynamo and sell thousands of dollars worth of books. The opportunity awaits.

Pre-Interview Tactics

Re-read your book. Months, sometimes years, will have passed since you wrote the book. While few reviewers will read your baby cover to cover, some will. It's most embarrassing if they ask you a question from the book that stumps you.

Write a mission statement. This is a 20- to 30-word statement, covering the core thrust of your book. It will help you get