Guarantee More Book Business

Want to increase sales for your books, audio, or video programs? Looking for a vehicle to increase your direct marketing results? Guarantees may well be your answer. Offering a guarantee relieves apprehension on the part of potential purchasers. It lets them know that if they are dissatisfied, they have recourse. Interestingly enough, if you've created a sound product, very few people will take advantage of this.

There are many kinds of guarantees: all the way from seven days to a lifetime. Statistics show that the longer the guarantee, the less likely you are to have returns. Consumers somehow figure there is no urgency in returning the merchandise and keep putting it off. Ultimately they forget. Even though it may sound ludicrous, a lifetime guarantee is often more effective than a 30-day guarantee.

As well as guaranteeing the product itself, you may want to reassure purchases in other ways. For instance, guaranteeing delivery within 48 hours. Or in the case of audio tapes, guaranteeing the replacement of a defective tape.

We've found when running small classified ads asking directly for the sale, that guarantees are particularly important. In today's economy