Using Static Charge Pulses for Wind Generator Turbines

Wind Turbine Generators work good to make electricity especially when the wind is blowing. But what do we do when the wind dies down to only a few miles per hour? Well, right now we sit and wait for the wind to come back up and eventually we know it will; in fact there are special programs that are used to monitor the wind in certain regions to predict the exact placement of these wind generators for the best return on investment. Some of these wind generators are colossal in size and very expensive to build, erect and ship all the parts.

The static electricity created by the large wind generator fan blades moving thru the air is significant. With this electromagnetic energy once it is used it goes to zero like a big zap from the carpet after you drag your feet across it. But as the wind generator blades move thru the air and the electromagnetic energy is built up again and again. We should use this zapping power to allow the spinning blades of a wind generator to flap, by sending pulses into specially manufactured material memory blades. As they flap much like a bird we can increase speed of the blade slightly when the wind is weak. Thus have a more constant power output to the in times of no or little wind. By creating a flapping situation blades can continue even when airflow is very low at 2-3 mph.

It might appear to be funny looking watching the propeller blades waving around or flapping as they spin, but by using these techniques we can improve the efficiency of wind turbine electricity generation.

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