Noni Fruit Benefits

In the last ten years, some marketers have come under fire for ascribing miraculous cure-all properties to noni fruit, claiming that it can single-handedly prevent, treat, or cure everything imaginable, including arthritis, burns, cancer, cold, diabetes, drug addiction, fever, fractures, gingivitis, headaches, heart disease, immune weakness, indigestion, malaria, menstrual cramps, ringworm, sprains, stroke, and wounds.

To separate fact from fiction, noni fruit is not a cure-all, but it is a valuable food supplement. It is still unclear exactly how noni fruit benefits your health, or to what extent, but there are some widely agreed-upon characteristics of noni fruit. For example, anecdotal accounts of the anti-swelling effects of noni fruit consumption are numerous. And scientific studies have shown that a polysaccharide-rich substance called