Civil War Uniforms: Double the Value of Your Shirt!

5 Tips to Creating a Shirt that is not only authentic but also Expensive!

You probably will not start the hobby out as much of a tailor. My first few handmade items were a joke, but eventually I got to where I can put together a good uniform.

Basic sewing skills are all you need to skyrocket the authenticity and value of your Civil War uniform shirt.

1. To start, you could purchase a shirt that is already made that has machine buttonholes in it and rework the buttonholes to make it look more authentic. Take a seam ripper and pick out the buttonholes and handwork them.

2. I would stay away from shirts that were real fancy. Check original photographs to get a feel for the appropriate style for your Civil War uniform shirt.

3. I would pick out and redo by hand all exposed machine stitching. Someone can show you how to do that in about 15 minutes.

4. You should have about 6-7 stitches per inch. You have just increased the value of your shirt and made it more authentic.

5. Most shirts were privately obtained although shirts were issued at times even including blue striped British army issue.

Basic sewing skills are easy to learn and very useful. Learning how to sew can also make you not only an authentic Civil War Uniform shirt, but can increase your bank account as well.

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