How to Identify Common Credit Repair Scams

Everyone has seen the ads before. A business will guarantee you perfect credit. (As if your credit history were a joke). Unfortunately, your credit isn't a joke. And your credit history will not disappear over night, despite what a company may have promised you. There isn't a quick remedy to your credit repair. It's something that you'll have to work on. Your credit repair solution may come in several forms. You may choose to contact a credit repair company. You may not. However, it's important to know that credit repair companies can't do any more for you than you can already do for yourself.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) annually warns consumers on credit repair consultation. There have been many allegations and lawsuits with notable credit repair agencies. It seems that many of these companies have made wild statements, like "we'll repair your credit by erasing negative feedback," which isn't a legal option. Be wary of these types of companies. They're promising you something that is unethical, illegal, and most certainly untrue.

There are several ways you can fall prey to a credit repair scam. Some of the most commonly reported scams are told by consumers who've tried "credit by phone" and promotional credit cards. These "guaranteed