You Must Embrace Life!


Life, the mystery of our being is to befriended, tamed and mastered as much as we possibly can. This trinity action is necessary to alleviate our suffering. One axiom goes thus: "Life deals severe blows to those who make it their enemy." Life is very purposeful so you too should be very purposeful and wise in dealing with it.

Listen, in this game of life there is no fairness. Life will continuously conjure and spring all sorts of tricks, to weary and wear you down and out to lessen its load. Life considers you as a burden to be jettisoned at any given opportunity. That is why you meet obstacles in our progress in life.

You can now see why you must face life with wisdom so that you can take its hiccups by your strides, cheerfully surmounting the obstacles or at least knowing that you are not bound to carry life's obstacles, that you can as well ride them till they fade. But many of us play into life's hands by giving in to desperation, frustration and depression,

They foolishly hand life the trinity of their undoing. Some even reject themselves, condemning and accepting to be condemned by others whose expectations they supposedly do not live up to. But the truth is that you are unique, a creature of purpose, instead of sentiment. That purpose is inherent in life, embrace it. Learn to beat life's tricks and vicissitudes by not allowing yourself to degenerate into self-pity or self-hate, despair or depression or frustration. All are shameful vehicles to premature exit from here.

Listen now, and believe me! YOU HAVE NEVER FAILED. Life has been consistently disappointing you, trying very hard to will you to accept yourself as a failure.

Life can be so mean, to the extent of employing other people, too, to make you, through advises and gossips, feel that you have failed and are no good, fit only for the grave.

But wisdom, your friend from the source of life, demands that you do not cooperate in engineering your own failure. To fall is not to fail. There is no shame in falling, but there is courage and the grace that comes with getting up and carrying on. After all, life has goodies too, which it doles out from time to time. But, you know what?

Depressed self loathers seldom are recipients of life's goodies, because life in spite of its meanness, likes a cheerful spirit. And even when life goes out of its way to dole out any goodies to the depressed, what good is it when the depressed cannot enjoy anything with their botched minds.

Now, enjoy the below poem and think about yourself positively. You are unique, you may not be a Thomas Edison, but you have got so much to offer the world. You are here for a laudable purpose, don't let life cheat you out so soon, unfulfilled.


So it turns out a red letter day, ungainly futile and you frown at green thoughts that failed to yield.Your unhappiness fuels hopelessness, and your heart is heavy and aches, because it is a red letter day.

Your wish is wasted on life's whims and caprices, and so you want your neck in a rope, to pass into nothingness, better than even a sweet day of clean swift achievements, which desires can't ensure, because it is a red letter day.

Oh! Like the perilous sea is the day; what it throws up you must manage, but unlike in the perilous sea, you can stay afloat. The night is nigh and the day must close, even on a red letter day.

And morning will surely come with a virgin day defiled, by desires, ladders to summits and, perhaps, a green letter day for you, oh my friend. Stay alive, swim, and don't sink even on a red letter day.

There are countless proofs that we become our own worst enemy when we give in to self doubt, despair and depression. Listen well, my dear friend, don't carry your situations, ride them till they fade. Nothing is worth your sadness, you are better than you think. Don't ever feel superstitious or hopeless. Have set goals to feed your hope. Hope is your seat in life. Work your goals to tend your hope. Believe in both life and yourself. Remember, never condemn yourself or accept condemnation by other people.

Thomas Edison said: "I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work." But do you know that before Edison achieved any of his inventions he failed thousands of times? (Experiments)

Patience and self confidence are the twin vehicles that will carry you to your goals. Edison did not allow his disappointments or failures or what people said to depress him and rob him of his universal purpose. How did he do that?

He believed in life and himself. He neither condemned himself nor did he accept other people's condemnations. He never lost focus and, his hope, which he tended with work, persistent work, came to fruition in many inventions. Above all He embraced life, in spite of its vicissitudes and the rest is now history.

So, you too should learn to embrace life and live it to the fullest, in spite of its vicissitudes. Remember, you have NEVER failed. You may have fallen a number of times, but even Edison did too. So, it is nothing new. Success comes to those who persevere. Stay with it!

I am your true friend


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