Two Halves Truly Make the WHOLE: The Proven Approach to Making Your Business Happen...

As those of us who have been through the branding process know, each of us is blessed with a unique combination of abilities and strengths that we don't typically recognize as a gift. However, the gift is there for each and every one of us. We take this gift for granted and, at times, let it trip us up when we least expect it. The reason it appears to be hiding is because it requires great discipline to take in all four domains of existence at once (watch for future articles on "Unified Conscious Development"). When we do, our dreams, our businesses and even ourselves become whole and real.

This is at the forefront of my mind because I was just shown what has been lurking in my hiding spot--again. I say "again" because we often forget that which we learn. Being in the constant state of remembering is a crucial part of our personal and business's development. Rediscovering what I had forgotten was a complete and utter joy. And it was the shining answer to something I was seeking -- seeking on your behalf. I have consistently occupied the role of creator, i.e., guiding thoughts, ideas or plans into the reality we know as our daily lives, throughout my life journey.

When we are launching a business or re-releasing it with new branding, we need to find a way to make it real--known, vital, understood, and helpful. We need to bring it into existence, into service. Branding is our metaphor on how to prepare. The better we bring the prepared brand into existence...the quicker it can be understood, the quicker you can assist people, and the quicker your needs can be met through customers, resources and money,

We're grateful for the opportunity to serve a company, Content Wheel, at this very stage. The founder, Susan Raab, has completed our CLICTrack Tele-course and is in the exciting state of bringing her skills and expertise into the marketplace in a new and glorious way. It was while speaking with Susan that I was reminded of a crucial answer.

This crucial answer is both simple and complex, reassuring and confusing, reminding us of the perfect duality that we are participating in and that we must embrace. Successful business launches have certain characteristics. The creator, founder or the driver "sees" in two ways at the same time--whether he/she knows it or not. They have a roadmap that includes both linear plans and holistic patterns of thought. Can anyone do it? Absolutely. Until now you just haven't been shown how.

Duality of Information Processing

The crux to mastering this successful characteristic is acknowledging the two ways in which the human mind processes information. This acknowledgement should come very easy as every moment we exist is defined by the duality of information processing. This duality is know by many names: Linear vs. Holistic, Logical vs. Intuitive, Sequential vs. Random, Verbal vs. Nonverbal, Symbolic vs. Concrete, Reality-Based vs. Fantasy-Oriented, to name a few. These are all descriptions of how the left and right sides of our brains process information.

The left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It processes from parts to the whole, linearly. It takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order; then it draws conclusions.

The right side of the brain, however, processes from whole to part, holistically. It starts with the answer. It sees the big picture first, not the details. A chart using this approach would look like a sea of what appeared to be random points, representing the "whole," surrounding the answer.

The successful characteristic to master, when manifesting your new or re-conceived business, is balancing these two ways of processing or understanding. We each use both sides of our brains to function all the time. Though, like being left- or right-handed, we typically have a dominant side where we always begin. As you master yourself and your business strategy, you will develop the ability to see both approaches simultaneously and can start from either the linear plan or the intuitive feel. A great example of this was a software product for children that I was blessed with producing, Disney's award-winning "MathQuest with Robin Williams." Most math products approach teaching in the linear--rows, upon rows of problems requiring the "drill-and-kill" of repetitive learning. MathQuest blended the structured truth of math with a holistic approach of traversing a vast 3D-world employing math to avoid pitfalls and overcome obstacles. If you have children, I highly recommend it.

As you acknowledge that these two strategies must co-exist, go slowly; don't try to use them simultaneously. It would cause unnecessary confusion just when you are on the brink of clarity. It would be like branding your entire company and a particular product or division at the same time. They are better considered one at a time, then blended.

Make it Happen

So to get you started, here's a way to balance your launch strategy. We will mesh the four dimensions of unified conscious development (the underlining theory of the Whole Wealth institute) and both linear and holistic strategies. Employ these four initial steps to manifest your new or re-conceived business:

1. Linear - Be steadfast in applying the results of the CLIC process: character, language, image and color. The easiest to apply immediately is your language results in all of your marketing materials. Your keywords should be pervasive in your written communications -- emails, proposals, postcards, your website, etc., and your marketing statement should be used as the close on your press releases, email closings, proposals and one-sheets.

2. Holistic - Build your team by sharing your marketing statement and your newfound or restored enthusiasm for your new or re-conceived business. You never know who or how you will be lead to the resources you need.

3. Linear -- Make a plan. Some say you must have a formal business plan. The truth is there are many types of business plans that differ widely. On one end of the spectrum is a business plan in which you are seeking investment capital. On the other is a plan, which is, for the entrepreneur, simply a well-organized strategy designed to aid them in completing a task or objective. The bottom line is you need a task and time--based plan of action.

4. Holistic -- This one is the shining jewel. Watch for, consider, and ponder product/services/information synergies. These can exist within your own business or in connection with others already in the marketplace. The synergy can exist between a book, an article, a speech, an interview, an audio product, a service or another company. It isn't just about your products; it is about the very core of your expertise, your knowledge, your information, and your approach. B alance the use of all four of these approaches as you expose the whole truth of your business in the marketplace. Only then will you find yourself in the primordial state of creation with ease, grace and synchronicity as your guides. You can make it happen...

W. Vito Montone, co-founder BrandU(TM), co-author of Why BrandU: Big Business Success No Matter Your Size, BrandU Bible, the only step-by-step workbook for developing your business as a brand, and It