An Attitude of Gratitude

Copyright 2006, Paula Gregorowicz and The Paula G Company, All Rights Reserved. Anymore, it seems we all run hither and yon searching for the right toys to buy and ways to attempt to hold ourselves to the same standards as our foremothers who didn't work outside the home. Oftentimes each week becomes something to get ready for, survive, and finish much like a college entrance exam. Does this sound at all familiar? If it does, consider adding an attitude of gratitude to your to-do list each day so the real joys of life don't just pass you by. Taking one moment each day to practice gratitude can shift your whole perspective. Even when everything around you seems to be going wrong and Murphy's Law is in full swing, a practice of gratitude will anchor you back to a more conscious place where you can feel blessed for what you do have in your life instead of stuck on the merry-go-round of daily crisis. What do I mean by a practice of gratitude? It can be as large or as small as you like. You might consider lighting a candle for a few quiet moments of reflection at the beginning or end of the day. Maybe, you tell one person that is important to you or has helped you that you are thankful for their presence in your life. Perhaps you send a note of appreciation or return an act of kindness to someone who has helped you. Whatever you choose, it is the mindset and conscious intention that counts. The greatest part about expressing your gratitude to another person is that it not only makes you feel better but can also lift another person's spirit. We never know what hardships someone might be carrying or even if they had a lousy day. A kind word, smile, or even a random act of kindness can be very powerful and have a huge impact on another person's life even if we never know it. Consider the following questions: - Who in my life do I really care about? Have I told them that lately? - Who are the everyday people I am really thankful for because they make my world a better place (perhaps the doorman, coffee server, your doctor, or paper carrier)? - How do I show myself gratitude for just being me? Am I practicing self-care and taking good care of the most precious commodity I have - myself? - What things am I glad I have in my life? Once you answer these questions, make it a point to acknowledge and share some gratitude with yourself and others and make it a truly special day.