How can you break away from the crowd?

Do you want to overcome those invisible walls that stop you achieving in life? Do you want to rise above those oppressive, learned rules and behaviours that keep you doing what you don't want to do? Do you want to change those thoughts and behaviours you inherited from others during your life? If so, this article is for you. In our experience in order to live a more rewarding, fruitful and successful life you have to break away from those restrictive thoughts and behaviours. Not overcome, but break away from the brain patterns that stop you from becoming who you want to be. Who, you really are. All the self help gurus will tell you: all you have to do to achieve this is change your thoughts. The moment you change your thinking amazing things happen. Easy uh! Ask yourself: * How many times have you set along a path only to find in short time that you have abandoned it or returned to your old behaviour? * How many times have you started something full of vim and vigour only to find in a short while all the enthusiasm has gone and you are back where you started? The problem is that your old brain pattern is so well entrenched, so dominating that whenever you try to change it, it fights back and reasserts itself as always. This is normal. We don't want you to think that you're a freak or different from the rest of us when this happens to you. It's normal. Did you get that? Whenever, you start on a programme of change. Whenever, you have an idea that you want to do something differently. The old behaviour reasserts itself in ways you hadn't even thought about. Your brain has a lot invested in that old behaviour. That brain pattern likes being in charge. It likes dominating, so why should it give up to the new kid on the block? Why should anyone who has a dominating position give in to the weaker less powerful one? That's exactly how your brain pattern responds. I'm the powerful one. I've been here the longest. I know how things work around here. I've run this ship for the past... years; who do they think they are just moving in here and taking over. But all is not lost. YOU CAN CHANGE. You can move on from that debilitating behaviour. All you have to do is: * note your thoughts and change them. * note the way you see the world and change it. * note your idea of who you think you are and if necessary change it. In a word Re-focus. Re-focus your thoughts. Re-focus your mind away from the thoughts that stop you achieving what you want in your life. Start by spending a little time each morning thinking in a different way. Reminding yourself of who you really are, what you want to be and your strengths. You don't have to discover who you are. You just sit quietly and allow the natural you to come through. The real you is just hidden behind the learned brain patterns. But. The rear guard action from your destructive brain pattern will appear. We promise. We have never, yet, changed a brain pattern without at some time falling back into our old ways. We have always, at some time, fallen off the new ladder. Usually in highly embarrassing situations when we thought we had it beaten. In other words the moment you think you have won and show the slightest piece of arrogant success that old brain pattern returns to bite you in the ....... That doesn't mean you have failed. It just means that you are progressing nicely. Because at least you noticed and if you are anything like us, highly embarrassed and/or upset. The secret is consistency. The secret is practice. The secret is patience. In other words stick with it with a passion!!!!! If you really want it. If you really want to change your life. If you really want to find out what you are capable of. Just stick with your new thoughts. Keep telling yourself. Keep reminding yourself of your strengths. Keep focussed on the new you. And eventually your brain will create a new pattern. Then that will be it. You've done it. You will have proved what science already knows: your mind can change your brain. Good luck Graham and Julie