Attracting beautiful women without the BS.

Condense guide to attracting women I'm compiled a quick guide on how to get girls. This might be a bit unconventional and DOES goes gainst social norms, but hey, they never said you can't break rules! Anyways, this is a really condense guide. Hope it helps out! How, first off, this guide provides some basic material if you're WILLING TO DO IT. The game, the seduction process, isn't done in the internet, it is done outside. In the real world so to speak. Its ok, females don't bite, and you won't get hurt (unless you're trying to seduce a woman in front of her husband or boyfriend!). Your ego might be shatter a bit, but who cares? Its a great learning process, a fascinating game to me. So, the basic method how to pick up chicks follow: Find, Meet, Attract, Close. Four steps! So first thing first. Find: You have to find them. Now, if you're attending school, do so. The best things to do it is during the morning time, when those groupies hang around. Other things includes lunch time, at the cafe and at the stores where they buy food. Also after school when they hang out in groupies. And, of course, you can pick up chicks in class. For the more mature people, I would avoid word relationships like a plague ... it isn't worth it, considering there are so many places for you to meet and attract women. Other places to pick up chicks: library, cafe, bar, mall and even the park in a warm, summer evening. Ok, cool. How its time for the Meet. Meet: Say hello. No stupid pick up lines. NONE AT ALL! Ya hear? Good. Because pick up lines are lame, cute at best. The woman will tolerate it but you'll come off as a generic guy hitting on her inside of someone who is cool, relax and confident. Ask basic questions, such as how you're doing, introduce yourself. Exchange names and shake hands. Ok, you meet her. Now you need to attract! Attract: You want to be attractive person. Convey your personality -- are you funny, deep, intellectual, adventurous? This is done through story telling, believe it or not. Just don't reveal about yourself too soon ... Speak in a clear tone, project your voice, but don't be too loud or too quiet. Watch out for your body lanuage -- are your shoulders close apart, or are they down and relaxed? Are you sitting upright or are you slouching, as ought you're having a heart to heart conversation with an old friend of ours? Most importantly, TOUCH HER in a friendly, non-threatening way. It shows you're a sexual being, which means you're boyfriend material. Touch her, ok? This will help prevent you falling into the dreaded 'friend zone'. You should progressive from hand, elbow, her back, her hair, and then on her knee and waist. Depends on the situation, you have to adjust. Don't just go for the knees at the beginning or else you might come off as needy. Close The Close. Close is getting further contact with her. Phone number is the best, go for email if she persisent or something. Set up a 'meet up' right then. Tell her you have free time next Thursday and that it would be nice to 'meet up and have a quick bite' (no date ...) Ok, pretty much sums it up for courtmanship. It isn't the most complex thing in the world, but the most important thing is that you have to actually ... *gasp* go outside and do the approach. Thats because of how our society is structured -- the men have to do the approach, whereas the women are the one who are receptive to the seduction process. You can visit my site at