Stop Snoring

Of course, you would stop snoring if you could help it. It irks your bed partner. It embarrasses you. And don't you hate being nudged in the middle of the night, because you have been snoring?

Yet, your doctor will tell you that these are the least of his concerns. Snoring can be the cause- or the warning sign- of many serious health problems.

While high blood pressure, sleep apnea and brain damage top the list, there are others that should not be ignored. Such as low energy levels from poor quality of sleep, poor concentration, irritability, lower immunity and mood-swings.

Snoring can impact your personal well being as well as your social and professional life. In fact it can change your whole personality.

So what can you do about your snoring? If you snore, you need to see a doctor. Only a doctor can tell you if your snoring is 'just noise' or a much bigger threat such as sleep apnea.

It's equally important to understand what snoring is and learn about your treatment options. To start with