The Secret Of Overcoming Resistence To Change

Mahatma Gandhi stated that no one can oppress you more than you oppress yourself.

I believe this to be true, especially when it comes to change. I have witnessed people, putting up with horrible conditions rather than change. And so, it is no wonder change is considered one of the most difficult things to deal with for a business.

For many people, there is nothing more fearful. They like the comfort zone of knowing exactly how everything works and knowing where they stand.

Many even resist promotion because of the unknown factor. They wonder if they will be able to do the job, whether or not they will understand what is required and if they will be able to communicate it to others.

Many successful organizations put plans in place months in advance to help their people deal with change. They will take their staff step-by-step to explain what is happening and how it will affect them. They have them as part of the process and generally had in place training and upgrading seminars and classes.

I have also seen the results where companies have held back the information and left the employees in the dark. The fear of what might happen was generally worse than reality and production over all was adversely affected.

Helping your staff to grow and having them part of the process, not only helps them, but the success of the changes and the business overall.

It helps to have the staff understand that the problem with never wanting to change because of the fear stops them from advancing into their greatness. Yes, greatness. Marianne Williamson said it best when she said that many people fear their greatness more then their inadequacies.

They fear whether they will be able to handle the responsibilities or being in the spot light. They think who am I to be great or talented. Well as Marianne continues, who are you not to be, that it doesn