Beautiful Disaster

I had something else in mind for this months newsletter, but it didn't seem relevant after watching the news and reports of devastation in the South. I was sitting in my office wondering what could I possibly have to say, and about that time my son walked in and sat on my lap, something he has done most days for as long as I can remember. Today I smelled the blueberry shampoo in his hair and got the sense that he was carefree and happy just to have a cozy place to sit. It brought a vision to mind of a mother in New Orleans with her son on her lap, fanning him and resting her head on his, surrounded by chaos, the likes of which I have never known. It was a report I had seen on the news the day before and here was my son, on my lap, safe, happy and smelling like blueberry shampoo. I was filled with a sense of gratitude I had somehow not been touched by the many times before, but today, for me the feeling was palpable.

I again started thinking about what I could say and I was reminded of a skill I learned in becoming a coach, the challenge of finding perfection in everything even when it doesn't seem to make any sense. It has become one of my favorite tools in helping others and along the way myself, by looking deeply into the chaos and struggles in our own lives to discover the real lesson behind them. I felt this same challenge and determination to find something seemingly perfect within this disaster, so there I was smelling blueberry shampoo, feeling grateful, and remembering the mother and son I saw on the news, still looking for the perfection in all this, when it was sitting right in my lap all along.

The waters are receding along with the blame, the chaos and soon I hope the catastrophic suffering as well. It no longer seems relevant that most of the time we are divided by politics, religious affiliations and sometimes still, even the color of our skin. The stories that remain newsworthy when everything else is said and done is the best in all of us and the basic goodness of human nature and that is our ability to be compassionate and kind, to give and receive love, to be generous with our time and money and to feel gratitude for even the simplest of things.

Just a thought

What is perfect about your life right now?

It may not be the smell of blueberry shampoo for you, but how will you remember the perfection in your life at this moment?

Wendi Liechty
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