Hard Disk Drives: 3.5" or 2.5"? (Part 2)

Since we've dispelled a few myths, let's discuss how a 2.5" system might benefit you.

2.5" Drives: The Benefits

Small Spaces

I currently have 4-3.5" hard drives in my computer. Hopefully I didn't make you fall out of your chair. I don't have a RAID setup (don't worry about that term if you don't know what it is). All I have are 4 independently operating drives. The computer case I have is a full tower, 24" (H) x 18" (D) x 8" (W). Even with this size of a case, the insides are not ideal. I have cables going all over the place, nesting not too far from the hard drives. The heat build-up is a problem at times, especially in the summer months. Since I have 4-80mm fans running, in addition to 2 processor fans going, the case stays relatively cool. However, the noise generated is definitely noticeable if I'm away from home for an extended period of time then come back. In fact, many friends who come over to visit mention how loud my computer is. Most of the noise is generated by the fans pulling air into and pushing it out of the computer case.

Due to the size of a 2.5" drive, four 2.5" disks can be stacked in a space that one 3.5" drive occupies. Now, this is something to think about. The reason why computer cases are so large, is partially due to the option of putting several drives in it. Many computer users today have two drives. The number of "Two-Drive" owners is increasing mostly because of the inexpensive prices of the drives themselves. If you do some smart shopping, you'll end up with a very nice rebate. From time to time I do some searching on the net for some great bargains, and present those deals to DigitalDingus website viewers, so this is another option for you. Just imagine how much space you could save if you only had two 80GB 2.5" hard drives.

2.5" Form Factor Is Pretty Fast

For some people, having the fastest drive is required. PC Gaming enthusiasts are loading their games on 10,000RPM drives along with $500 video cards and so forth without a second thought. There are 2.5" drives reaching the 10,000RPM mark, but they cost around $800USD. So currently, a very fast 2.5" HDD is out of reach for most consumers. For commercial interests, 2.5" form factor drives are becoming more of an option. What you have to ask yourself, is how fast is "fast" to you. I've tested 5400RPM drives and I was very impressed with the speed ratings and real-life performance with running appplications. Yes, you can read reviews on how fast a drive performs till you get a headache. However, I'm still a little hesitant to judge a drive based on millisecond differences, especially when so much of a drive's performance is regulated by the software application, browser, plugins, and so on.

Less Heat

2.5" hard drives do not give off as much heat as a 3.5" drive. They are also much less noisy. I can say this definitively, because I've personally reviewed a few 2.5" drives myself. I highly recommend Fujitsu drives because they've been in the business of pioneering small form factor storage systems and in my opinion, are paving the way towards smaller computer systems for the common user. Few companies are trying to make 2.5" drives as fast and common as 3.5" like Fujitsu is.

Low Power Requirements

2.5" drives also have much less power consumption, and it's common for a 2.5" drive to run on only 10% of what a 3.5" drive requires. This is very important, as a higher power consumption, translates into a higher chance of failure. Unfortunately, the more power current you have flowing through a particular device, the more chance for error. And when we're talking about computer components which are the most sensitive to electrical currents, the importance of low power consumption becomes clear.

2.5" Might Be For You

If you're not too concerned about having the fastest hard drive on the planet, but are more interested in finding a way to create a low heat, low power, and smaller space requirement computer system, the 2.5" form factor just might be for you.

In the future, more articles which deal specifically with building 2.5" systems will be featured. Be sure to make DigitalDingus articles a part of your normal surfing routine.