Screenwriters & Filmmakers - Pitching the Cold Heart of the Banker

Can a creative pitch alone get your script produced? Pitching the script is an art that is much talked about, put into college curriculums and lauded by the Pop Culture. But, there's a big factor missing from creative pitches. It's fundamental; but broadly ignored by key creative people.

For over 20 years I've been hired by Film Financiers (Studio Exec's, Bonding Companies, etc.) to watch over their investment during the film's production. I've also had more than a few independent filmmakers ask me for help in getting their film off the ground. So, I've been rubbing elbows with the elusive Film Financier (of one stripe or another) for some time.

Creative screenwriters, directors and filmmakers, especially when they're new at the game of film production, conceive that the money for wonderful scripts should be found - like apples dropping from a tree. 'Fraid not. Filmmaking is as much about the money as it is about the creative.

The person who you're pitching may be wearing blue jeans and topsiders, but he's still a Financier (or his immediate superior is). When pitching your script, think - I'm looking into the cold heart of a banker.

Learn to be familiar enough with the costs of your script to defend it in the language of money. Then, you'll be able to look any Studio Exec in the eye and mean what you say in his/her language.

But, you say, I'm creative! What do I know about money, and financing, and accounting, and, and