Angel Readings-Did She Make It All Up? 5 Ways to Tell if She Lied

It goes like this. Someone hires a reader for a psychic session. The reader tells them all sorts of things and the listener believes everything they hear. Later, when they discover they've been hoodwinked and find that the reader won't answer their calls or respond to their letters, they send an email to me. It too, goes something like this. "Catherine, she said I was abducted by aliens and have implants, am I going crazy?" "Catherine, she said I'd meet the love of my life on the 15th of last month and it hasn't happened. Why not?" or "Catherine, she said he was my soul mate but she won't tell me why he's dating someone else. I'm afraid the new girlfriend is using witchcraft on him." Lest you experience something similar, read these tips.

1. Don't hire amateur readers.
If you use a 900 number or an online psychic service with hundreds of readers, it's a good chance you did. If you hired somebody who went by the online pseudonym of "Lady Oracle" or something equally as "fascinating" you probably didn't hire anybody with any honesty or expertise. Stay away from those seeking to make a quick buck. A reader who hides behind a pseudonym and doesn't even use her real name probably won't stand behind what they say. They know they're anonymous so they'll say anything, positive or negative, they think you want to hear. They'll play on your fears and repeat the standard nonsense lines. If you're smart enough not to fall for that, hire only reputable readers who have an established, verifiable business. Hire those who have written books and articles and have staked their careers and reputations on their honest ability.

2. Don't listen to anything that's just too weird.
Put a stop to any call that tells you things that scare you or cause you to feel threatened. If she tells you you were abducted by aliens and now have implants that cause your nerves to feel as though they will destroy you, are demonically possessed or some other nasty thing, recognize it for the scam it is. Don't be surprised when they tell you there will be an additional charge for them to magically make it all disappear too. They'll remove the implant, dispossess you, reverse the alien surgery, or exorcise the devil if you only open your wallet again. You're smarter than that. Hire a licensed social worker or psychologist if you truly feel you would like to talk with one to clear up the damage the liar readers have done. If you're not damaged, but just really ticked, hire an experienced, reputable Angel reader.

3. Let your "red flags" go up when they tell you something you long for will happen at a certain time or on a certain date.
I can't tell you the number of people who have contacted me, filled with disappointment because something a reader predicted didn't come true. They called or wrote the reader back but the reader won't talk with them any more. One woman who contacted me said that upon being told during a reading that she was going to come into a huge sum of money, she quit her job. A few months later, when her savings had been all used up, she called me to find out why the reader had told her that! My question to her was, why, although she'd hoped it would come true and truly thought she could believe what she'd been told, had she given her own power over to somebody else's opinion. She said she'd believed in the reader's ability so strongly that she never even questioned its veracity.

I find it interesting that it rarely occurs to these people that the reader didn't know beans about what they were saying in the first place. They, understandably, feel hoodwinked and are embarrassed. If you hear specific dates and times, be wary and get out of that conversation or at least don't take the promises to heart.

4. If they agree with everything that you say, stop and think.
If all you hear is how great you are and that your Angel is from a particular order or hierarchy, it's nice but you're not receiving much usable new knowledge. A real reading gives you new insights into your life, new information about your particular Angel, and specific tasks to work on which I like to call "homework assignments." If a reader tells you everything's perfect but doesn't tell you anything about just how the Angel is guiding you towards even greater joys or that the Angels has brought up several things she wants to discuss with you, did the reader give you a reading worth paying for?

5. At the beginning of the session, ask the reader how and when you may contact them in the future should you have any follow-up questions.
Tell her that you understand that a follow-up question does not entitle you to a free reading, but that you'd like to have her explain things to you if something she promised doesn't occur. If she would rather fade into the mystical ether or hide under a new pseudonym or ignore you, immediately understand that your question or situation is beyond her ability and ask her to refer you to someone who is able to answer questions such as yours with integrity and honesty.

Copyright 2005, Catherine M. Kasper

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