Safety Alert! - All the Predators Come Out After Dark

When darkness falls all the foxes come out to hunt. Unfortunately, the same thing happens in the human species. Every criminal bash-artist, robber, general thief, hold up merchant, car thief, house breaker, home invader, burglar, mugger, rapist and general recidivist crook also comes out to hunt. Sad, but true.

After dark you certainly need to have your "radar" turned on. Those who would do you harm or want to damage or steal your property prefer to operate anonymously. Darkness is their unfair advantage over you. Darkness is their ally.

Here are some safety issues that you should consider when day turns to night:

  • NEVER attend an automatic teller machine (ATM) after darkness. ALWAYS do your banking during the day.

  • NEVER turn on an inside light to illuminate yourself when responding to a knock on your door at night. ALWAYS turn the outside light on so you can see them instead.

  • NEVER go jogging at night, especially if you are a woman. ALWAYS get up an hour earlier and jog in the morning.

  • NEVER walk alone at night. ALWAYS walk with a friend and both keep to well-lit paths and roads.

  • NEVER drive at night with your fuel gauge on empty. ALWAYS keep your tank at least half full.

  • NEVER pick up a hitch-hiker at night. In fact, NEVER pick up a hitch-hiker during the day either. Walking is exercise and exercise will be good for them.
  • In summary, recognize that criminal activity is always more prevalent at night. Darkness emboldens otherwise cowardly criminals who seek to do personal or property harm. Take extra precaution when darkness falls. Trust that "little voice" inside. This is your "safety alert." When it tells you that danger is present take note of it. Danger will be present.

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    Gary Simpson - EzineArticles Expert Author

    About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice." You might also like to inspect his powerful self-defense e-book courses here.