The Tummy Tuck Scar and Other Post-Surgery Concerns

An abdominoplasty is a major surgical procedure. It involves cutting your abdominal skin and repairing your abdominal muscles in order to get rid of loose skin. As with any invasive surgical procedure, you will have scars resulting from the surgery. A tummy tuck scar can run horizontally across the entire width of your body from hip to hip, depending on how much skin you lose. As well, depending on the procedure, a tummy tuck scar can run vertically anywhere from your pelvic area to the chest area, although this is not common. A tummy tuck scar is permanent. However, surgeons will usually cut the skin under the swimsuit line so that the tummy tuck scar is not as noticeable, or even viewable. Keep in mind that a tummy tuck scar might look worse within the first three to six months after the surgical procedure. This is a normal phenomenon and you shouldn't be alarmed. It will take about 9 to 12 months before the tummy tuck scar begins to flatten out and lighten in color, blending in better with your natural skin tone. The severity of the scars can depend on how much skin was removed, how well your body heals, how well your body scars, the skill of the individual surgeon, and what technique was used. Be sure to consult with your doctor as to what methods he uses, as well as incision types, techniques, and placements. He might even take a marker and draw the surgical site on your body so you can get an idea of what might show after you heal. Once your surgery is complete, you might be put on bedrest for at least the first week. You won't be allowed to lift heavy objects or participate in any strenuous activities. You will be encouraged to walk around a few times per day for a minute or two at a time. This is partly to prevent blood clots from forming in your leg and causing a thrombosis condition, which could be potentially fatal. Note that you won't be able to stand completely straight up at first. You'll have a hunched-over posture. The surgeon will recommend that you stay bent at a 45 degree angle for the first few days of recovery. Being in such a position for prolonged periods of time can cause a lot of back discomfort. The doctor might prescribe some kind of muscle relaxant or valium. During your operation, "drains" will be placed in your body to help discharge fluid build-up. These drains will be removed within a week or two after the procedure. After they are removed, you'll probably be able to stand straight up. If the drains are needed to remain in your body for a longer period of time, you will need to use an abdominal pressure garment, which you might be instructed to wear for at least a month or two. At this time, you'll notice the tummy tuck scar getting worse and some swelling and discoloration will occur. The amount of swelling and discoloration depends on the individual patient and how well she heals. Regardless, it is a normal occurrence. Alison Wheelock has been a freelance writer and author for over 10 years. You will find more Tummy Tuck articles available at