Anti Airborne Skimmer ICBM Threat Research Needed Now

Occasionally and through out human history a new weapon is invented which gives superior power to the nation state or barer of that technology. Today we have a new threat; a ground hugging super sonic or near supersonic skimmer missile or low flying Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with a single mission; to explode on impact and kill the target. Fortunately the only nation, which currently has such a technology, is one, which is completely noble in her intentions and is our best ally, the United States of America.

Yet soon our enemies will also have this technology; fast moving ground hugging missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles sent in to destroy our infrastructures, military assets or command and control leadership; namely our D.C. political base of operations. To be sure to shoot down such targets we will either need many off shore early warning systems or airborne assets with lightning fast capabilities such as the Boeing 747-400F Airborne High Energy Laser System. The incoming threat must be killed before it reaches our borders in order to kill an enemy skimmer missile without collateral damage to our own people. Having many airborne radar systems in the sky with such technology might be a good policy. For instance many units flying a figure Eight Pattern to track and kill missiles. Our newest Airborne laser systems can use laser tracking to track 20 targets and all twenty targets can be killed with onboard chemical lasers onboard.

These 747 mounted systems will have enough fuel for a 24-hour hang time, perhaps longer if the outboard engines are shut off once at altitude and allowed to freewheel or allow airflows to by-pass. Where as we may have limited success defending from ICBM, we may have little if any chance from skimmer missiles or ground hugging single mission UAVs. We need to be thinking here in the next four to five years, because soon our enemies will have this technology as well. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;