Kid Birthday Party Games - Pre-Schoolers

Little ones do not have a long attention span. Ensure the games are short, about 5-7 minutes, but not longer then 10. They also do not always understand the rules and etiquette of playing games. You will need to explain the rules carefully - and repeat them. Where possible demonstrate the game to them. Seeing is far more effective then listening. Also their power of listening retention is only a minute or so long. Ensure that they can all achieve or get something in the game. Don't make it so much about winning but completing the given assignment to get the reward.

Find your partner
Divide the little ones in two groups. Tell each child what animal they are. Two children (ie one from each group) must have the same animal. They must then find their animal partner using sounds only. The first to find their partner gets the biggest prize with the others get smaller prizes.

Born Actors
Children love acting. Give each child a nursery rhyme. Each one gets a turn to act it out while the others guess what it is. If you have a large group then pair the children off, placing older and younger children together.

Balloon Ball
Let the children stand in a circle. Give each child a number or Disney character. The party child throws a balloon in the air and calls out a number or character. That child then hits the balloon up to keep it in the air then shouts another number or character. Have spare balloons to replace those that pop. Here are tons more balloon game ideas.

Bubbles are always a hit. Give each child their own bottle of bubbles. If possible get different sized objects to blow through. If the children are young blow the bubbles yourself an let them catch the bubbles.

Pass the parcel
Wrap a toy or packet of sweets. Add layers of paper around the parcel placing a favor in each layer of paper. Play music. When it stops the child with the parcel gets to remove the first layer of paper and keep the favor. Manipulate the music in such a way that each child has a chance to remove a layer of paper and thus gets a favor. The winner is the child who opens the last piece of paper. But no one will mind as they each received something.

Treasure hunt
Hide as many sweets or toys as there are children. Party favors are ideal for this. Hide them in such a way that the article can be seen. As each child finds a toy let them sit out. You could get the children to place the toys found in a big basket, which you can deal out more fairly. If you have pre and school going children together, hide articles in two parts of the garden (one for each age group) or let the little ones start first and then only the bigger children.

Musical Statues
This game is great to get the little ones to calm down. Let them move around while playing music. When the music stops they must freeze. Those caught moving are out. The last child is the winner.

Use these ideas - they are sure to be a hit. Here are even more entertainment ideas for you.

Blessings from Africa
MissTy (Tania Collins)
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