Joint Pain? Take NSAID or Glucosamine?

Glucosamine sulfate has been in the news. Some claiming it bunk and some proving it effective. What does research show? Glucosamine is more effective in providing long term pain relief as compared to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID's). This particular study is attached for you below.

Basically, glucosamine sulfate aids in cartilage rebuilding. NSAID's decrease inflammation and have been shown to inhibit cartilage formation. So - long term benefit is definitely going to be providing nutrients allowing your joints to recover. Decreasing inflammation is important but removing the cause of inflammation is more important. Obviously not all causes can be removed but multitudes indeed can be stopped.

Taking plain glucosamine sulfate is useful. However, if one wants to completely rebuild a joint properly, the aggravating factors must be addressed. This is where your physician comes in handy. Have them properly diagnose and educate you on what the cause of your condition is - not only the name of the condition - what caused it?!

Once the cause is addressed, physical therapy and nutrionals are needed. As a medical student, I have the ability to mingle with known physicians in our field. One such physician is Dr David Wood, founder of Biogenesis Nutraceuticals. He has formulated a product called ArthroGenX that has helped my wife with her Rheumatoid Arthritis. Our roofer since found it useful as well. He stated he could not sleep at night due to pains in his hands. I tossed a bottle of ArthroGenX up to him on the roof and suggested he take 2 capsules. He repeated the dose that evening before sleep and sleep had set in. Why does it work so fast?

ArthroGenX has built in herbals which decrease inflammation and improve absorption of the cartilage rebuilding ingredients. The ingredient listing of ArthroGenX and description can be found on its page. We have a full page dedicated to each product on our site as we want to educate the public - you - on why that product is useful and what is in it.

Should you have joint pain, please consult with a trusted physician and learn about the cause of your condition. We are here to help provide useful information and products.

In health,


The published study: Glucosamine and Ibuprofen study

PS - is a very useful source for finding any current medical research on just about anything.

(c) 2005 Benjamin Lynch of HealthE Goods

Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. His online health site, HealthE Goods, offers a free health information service where one may ask specific health questions. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products. Wholesale spa products are available to all that qualify. Do visit our Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Blog and submit your health question. Our blog can be found here: We are here to help serve the public with proper health information and effective products.