Circle of Traffic

Your company is on the web, your site is receiving few hits, but you know that the number of Internet users is growing by leaps and bounds (285 million users worldwide, to be exact). So it is only a matter of time until the number of Internet users reaches "critical mass" and the multitudes will come streaming to your site, right? Wrong.

At the same time that the number of Internet users is growing, the number of Internet pages top 1 billion and the list is growing rapidly every day. So the chances of your site being found is like finding a needle in a very big virtual haystack, unless you actively market your site via Internet and traditional avenues.

In this column, we will address the following question: "How do I drive traffic to my site? We will also take this question to its logical conclusion by answering the following question: "Once I have traffic flowing to my site, how do I get them to return?"

Keep in mind that these questions are better asked prior to the development of your site than after it is finished. It is far less painful to incorporate these features during development, than after the site is completed. Doing this will save a lot of site redesign, not to mention ulcers.

When addressing the question of driving traffic to your site it is important to look at who your target market is and identify the top avenues for driving those individuals to your site.

The first step in this process is identifying the different Internet channels available for driving traffic to your site. Some possible mediums are: