Democratic Party Values and Principles For Which We Stand

The Democratic Party stands for a lot that we can be proud of. The North Fulton Democrats have outlined the Democratic Party Values and Principles For Which We Stand:

We are Pro-Constitution of the United States of America:
As horrific as 9/11 was, it did not repeal our constitution The Patriot Act is impeding our constitutional civil rights

We are Pro-Democracy:
Even as we impose Democracy in foreign lands, we should not forego our own Every Citizen should have the right to vote, and the right to have their vote counted

We are Pro-Civil Rights:
Equal Opportunity and Dignity for ALL Americans, without biases

We are Pro-Free Speech:
Putting down debate and discourse is unpatriotic!

We are Pro-Small Business and Individual Opportunity:
While maintaining an environment for ethical large corporate profitability

We are Pro-compassion and dignified assistance for the disadvantaged:
Do not preclude helping the needy because a few abuse the system Help enable the disadvantaged to become self sufficient

We are Pro-Inclusiveness, and Anti-Divisiveness:
Strength of the Nation AND Strength of the Community

We are Pro-Religious Freedom and Separation of Church and State:
Following the guidelines of our founding fathers

We are Pro-International Leadership, lead by example and via