The Impact of the Age Wave on Business Values

Over the next 15 years, the U.S. economy will experience an unprecedented increase in the number of businesses for sale as baby boomer entrepreneurs begin to retire. The result will be a significant increase in the number of available businesses. Experts believe this will create downward price pressure for many privately owned companies.

The baby boomer generation has been one of the most entrepreneurial generations in the history of our country. During the last 30 years over 5 million businesses with annual revenues ranging from $1 million to $75 million were founded. The owners of most of these businesses are now 50 years old or older and beginning to think about retirement. Recent studies by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, MassMutual and Marquette University showed that one out of two businesses will change hands between 2006 and 2016.

Ken Dychtwald, a nationally respected demographic expert and author of AgePower has written extensively on the topic of the aging of the baby boomer generation and advised multinational corporations and governments on how to prepare for the impact that the aging of our society will have on our economy, healthcare systems, infrastructure, etc. Dychtwald calls the aging of our population the "Age Wave". He makes the persuasive case that demographic trends like this are predictable, unavoidable, and need to be understood and planned for so that they don