Working With Your REALTOR

WORKING WITH YOUR REALTOR In my last article I suggested ways to find a good Realtor. Now that you have found that person, I have some thoughts for you. Realtors will generally work under one of two methods depending upon the state's requirements. In states where lawyers are not usually involved in a transaction, you may be asked to sign an Agency Disclosure. This is not a contract between you and the Realtor. Consider it a hand shake agreement that is not binding on either party. It states that the Realtor, while working with you, owes their fiduciary duty to you which includes loyalty, obedience, disclosure, confidentially and accounting in the transaction. If the Realtor asks you to sign a Buyer Broker Agreement, this is a contract between you and the Realtor. It should have a beginning date and an ending date. You will be bound to that Realtor for that time frame. The agreement will also indicate how the commission will be paid. Most of the time the seller will pay the commission, but you could owe the Realtor an additional amount if there is a shortage on the agreed upon commission in the Buyer Broker Agreement. Make sure you read the entire agreement and fully understand your rights and what the Realtor is required to do for you. No matter what system/disclosure agreement you will work under, I would like to point out some things that you need to do to help your Realtor find that one property you have been looking for. Make sure you explain how you intend to finance the property and the maximum you are willing to spend. You should have determined that at the time you met with your loan officer to start your loan application if you are financing your home. I know I will show you any home in our Multiple Listing System (Tucson MLS) that meets your criteria up to the price you give me. At this point your requests or criteria should include all your likes and mandatory items. It is now up to your Realtor to search the MLS to come up with the homes that fit your needs. Please trust your Realtor that they have researched everything that is available. Homes magazines are nice, but in today's market, most of the homes you see in the magazines will probably have been sold. One of the things you can use the magazines for is to show your Realtor the style of home you would like. On the day of showing, I like to spend a few minutes with my clients talking about the homes we are going to see. I usually have made appointments or have left messages on seller's answering machines as to the approximate time I will show their house. Please help your Realtor stay on schedule as there are times we have to meet with someone to get into a house. I usually allow enough time to stay on schedule. We can always revisit a house if there is real interest. Once you have seen the first home, give your Realtor feedback of your likes and dislikes about that home. When you find a home you like, compare all other homes to that one. On the first day I try to show five to nine homes depending on the distance between the homes. After that day discuss what you saw and what you liked. Take lots of notes. I find that naming a house helps to recall that one later. The "smoke house" (cigarettes tell on themselves) or the purple house (if a room is purple) or, one of my favorites "the duck house" (country theme with ducks everywhere). With the information you give your Realtor, they are better able to narrow in on the next days showings and save you time. Now, here is some advice: if you find the home of your dreams STOP! Write a contract! If you love it, I guarantee someone else will love it also! Have your agent work up a competitive market analysis (CMA) so that you can make an intelligent offer. But do it FAST! If you have not found that right home, keep looking and helping your Realtor with feedback. You are part of a team looking for that special property you will be able to happily call home.