Who Should Run the World?

Politics is no way to run a civilization, in fact it is a disaster much worse than Super Storm Cat V Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita which slammed our Gulf Coasts. The current bureaucracy cannot do anything right; it wastes money, over promises and under delivers and refuses to make good on any of its promises of protecting the people, maintaining the flows of our civilization or advancing the wealth of our nation. It is simply not working. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and others would not have stood for such piss poor performance.

So who should run the world? Well I think we can agree that Logical, brilliant and intelligent people should organize and run things, it would be better for the whole and the individual. Few could argue with that really. Although how could one conclude that is not already happening already anyway? And that those who are running things have to deal with the appeasement of that same blob of bureaucracy we do? Many a group wishes to run the world and they are continually suggesting a shift of the current logical folks running things for a new group? And in doing so, that in itself is merely propelling the sound and fury and ongoing struggle of the species. Primate Politics?

We see people from other nations attempting to alter our elections; recruiting a group to take over another group is a complete repeating of the past. The human race has been there and done that and recently in the written historical record too, if my studies of such serve me correctly.

You see last time I surveyed my civilization, it seemed to be running fine, except for the humans trying to condemn it and tear it down. Although on second glance, I see many possible fixes to make it run better and more efficiently for the benefit of the whole and those logical people currently in control of things. But the one thing we can all agree on, whether we are loyalists or the opposition is that the current bureaucracy blob is stifling the forward progression of our nation and in doing so is inadvertently effecting the rest of the civilized world as well.

Perhaps we should all get on the same page and quit fighting ourselves, admit the mistakes and move the ball forward for the betterment of humankind as a whole? Think on these things, if you got any ideas, let them be known.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/