Premature Ejaculation Cause Has an Organic Basis

American Urological Association presented in a medical survey that 32 percent of men characterized themselves as premature ejaculators. That's amazing. One of three men feels like a kid not a man because he cannot control himself when aims to please a woman, despite of general male desire to have women say nice things about them.

There are several theories about the cause of premature ejaculation.

  1. hyperactive and uncontrolled contractions of pubococcygeal muscles releasing the seminal fluid once it reaches the bulbous urethra.
  2. penis nerves hypersensivity that makes men come too quick.
  3. natural weakness of prostate glands or caused by medical reasons.
  4. stress and anxiety experienced in life with a special mention when anxiety is related to first sexual experience.
  5. relationship issues can interfere in the way of good sex performance.
  6. psychological problems (very often) developing the fear of women and sexual issues.

In recent years, scientific evidence indicates that high level of serotonin to the central nervous system appears to increase the latency or period of time from penetration to ejaculation. Depressed guys learned that selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could delay orgasm. This is a negative side effect for some, but positive for premature ejaculators.

Analizing the relation between increased amount of serotonim and delayied orgasm, the conclusion is that premature ejaculation cause has an organic basis.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men such as premature ejaculation