Stevia and Candida Albicans

Candida Albicans, a diploid fungus (a form of yeast) is the causal agent of opportunistic infections in humans, the most common being oral and vaginal infections. But, I would like to add that not only women suffer from Candida but also men in a variety of forms.

Among the many organisms that live in the human mouth and digestive tract is the yeast Candida Albicans, which under normal circumstances lives in 80 percent of the human population with no harmful effects generally, although overgrowth results in Candidiasis. Candidiasis. Candidiasis is commonly known as "thrush", and is a common condition that is usually easily cured in most people.

Health symptoms and complications of Candida may include: bladder infections, energy loss, puffy eyes, fatigue, food cravings, hay fever, heartburn, hyperactivity, inflammation, itching, insomnia, migraine, mouth infections, rashes, sore throat, thrush and thyroid problems.

As well as anti-fungal drugs and eliminating antibiotics, diet is an important part of most Candida treatment programs. The purpose of a Candida reduction diet is to eliminate sugary starchy foods that "feed" the yeast infestation, by sticking with a restricted foods list. Once you get on the anti-candida diet you can expect to see an improvement within 2-4 weeks. Once you have the Candida under control then you can slowly start adding restricted foods back into your diet.

Here are a few tips for sticking with a Candida reducing diet.

Try to eliminate your carbohydrate intake. Sugars are what feeds Candida. So it is important to minimize or eliminate carbohydrate intake for a while.

Reduce food that contain yeast. Foods that contain yeast should be completely eliminated. These are foods like, bread, beer, wine, cheese.

Eliminate dairy from your diet. Dairy foods should be removed from the diet because Candida can reduce the body's ability to digest fats which can result in a build up of fatty acids in your system. You don