Too Many Lobbyists in DC

Most Americans are aware that there are too many lobbyists in DC, but probably do not know how many. Let me put it into better terms to help you understand. There are 24 lobbyists for ever Member of the United States Senate and Us Congress. That is a whole lot of people forcing their will on what we perceive to be our rights and an overwhelming Army of problematic requests to the forward and positive progression of our Civilization.

All of us know we have way too many bureaucrats and politicians, but we have even more Lobbyists. Should we blame corporations for having lobbyists? Certainly not, as anyone who has ever tried to communicate with the brain dead blob of bureaucracy wishes they had and army of lobbyists so that they could at least get someone in charge to answer their phone call. So it is in the best interest of the corporations to have the lobbyists. The problem comes when politicians drop what they know to be right in order to allow a corporation to cheat on some issue. First we need less government regulations to deal with, fewer politicians and better policy, then the corporations will not need so many lobbyists in the first place. Then we need campaign reform so politicians listen to their own observations rather than helping one corporation screw over another in an unfair competitive way by allowing the government to modify the rules or selectively enforce rules on their competitors. Now then, getting rid of garbage rules on the book and getting government out of the way and allowing the free market to guide things makes for more efficient businesses and over all civilization productivity, meaning we all get a higher quality of life and standard of living by allowing the efficiency of business to provide such.

Most lobbyists work for law firms; I propose we first kill all the lawyers as per Caesars best advice. Then understand what Adam Smith warned us about and how our system is being used improperly and although I am not one to quote Karl Marx, he did have something to say about American's early version of capitalism during our Industrial Revolution. Yet I believe those comments may have been pre-answered by Adam Smith and further I think Ayn Rand was/is right about capitalists.

Which industries do we have too many lobbyists in? Well, that is easy watch the governments money flows carefully and it is obvious. For instance Big Pharma and Defense, as our nation spends a big chunk of change on both. Surely we must protect our people from enemies otherwise our civilization will fall. And even with the abuse of the Drug Companies, we must understand the nature of politics, insiders and corporate interests. Like I indicated I do not believe that it is industries main blame, as men or humans do what humans do, it is innate to get more and do less, it is so innate, it is not bound by any socio-economic status. You see humans are highly predictable in this regard whether it be looters, Industrial capitalists, rank and file, middle manager, exec, Drug Company Lobbyists or even the power hunger politician who is positioning himself for the revolving door in D.C.

As far as humans are concerned, really very few are above this, there are not very many at all, I have searched for others, those who are reputable must be our civilization