Stress Mangement for Overwhelmed Moms

One of the things I really enjoy as a therapist is helping people learn how to handle stress. I often ask clients what a typical day is like for them, so I can understand what they are up against.

"Take me from getting up to going to bed" is one way I usually ask the question.

I've heard about some horrendous schedules. After listening to some people, the question changes from "How could you feel so stressed-out?" to "How could you not feel so stressedout'?"

Of all the schedules I have heard about, I truly think the most stressful are those of women who have the dual careers of "professional outside the home" and "professional mom" at home.

Notice that I haven't used the popular term "working mom." All mothers work.

Consider the words of Amy Grant from her song "Hats!"

"One day I'm a lover, one day I'm a mother. What am I supposed to do? Working for a livin,' all because I'm driven, to be the very best for you."

She seems to have captured some of the angst and pressure of the typical dual-career woman.

What a schedule!

Follow along with me as I describe the typical daily schedule of one dual-career mom.