If You Do not Respect Money, You Will Never Have Any

We have all heard folks tell us that the root of all evil is money. Some of us have heard people say follow the money and you will find a felon jelling. These are interesting comments, however if you follow the richest man in the World you will see a foundation, which has given more money than any other in the history of the human species. Thus not only have you found no felon, you have discovered that money can be the root of all things good.

You must look at money as a unit of trade to assist in those who have a cow but need a hammer to put on a roof. They cannot cut of a hoof for the hammer. So they sell the cow, which is broken into units so they can buy the shingles, the hammer and the nails. If all hell breaks lose your cow will be gone, humpty dumpty will be pushed and you will not have a house with a roof over your head, so you do not need any money anyway? Here is how I see the World Economy in the abstract.


You must respect the money you have and save, not be wasteful of it. By respecting the money; an individual, company, corporation or even government can make it grow, do good and provide security and quality of existence for all involved. A government for instance can fund things like roads, levees, FEMA, police and military? An individual can fund things like college for their offspring. Companies, Corporations and Government can and should fund technology for the military and allow technology transfers, then our businesses always have something to sell, then there is full employment and taxes coming in for such things, no trade deficit and we take this species to the next step. Additionally we protect the flows of our civilization and in its increased efficiency by investing in infrastructures.

If we will respect the money at all levels, especially government, we can lead the world by example. As our government structure and over all civilization becomes a better model and example, we can use this as a franchise and as the BMP method for emerging nations. Thus there will be less loan fall-out rates with the growing nations and we can make this money work for the betterment of all mankind. With that said it is best that we as citizens watch our out flows, save and respect our money. As a nation we need to learn to balance our checkbook, live within our means and realize that