What is Human? (Part 2 of 2)

This is the second part of "What is Human?" explained by Lao Mu as follows:

"Listen to my sincere words. Now I forsake and descend you to the earth, you will be attached to the mortal world for sixty thousands (60,000) years. Alcohol, lust, wealth and power will mask your true selves. Desire for fame and fortune will trap you in bitter abyss. Once you loose loyalty, filial devotion, integrity and justice, you will be reincarnated into camels, lions...or elephants. There are ninety two billion royal children, together all should reach the shore of Heavenly Kingdom and return to the Homeland. Keep my words firmly in your hearts. They are of extra ordinary importance. Follow the canons of Tao and practise earnestly. Defying the divine order, you will be condemned to hell."

When the children listened to these words, their hearts hesitated over and over bearing thousand pounds of burden on their shoulders.

Lao Mu further said: Establish merits, cultivate virtues and do good deeds then and only then, you can be called one of the ninety-two billions (billions in Chinese - remaining pure souls on earth known as nine-two) children. Those who receive Tao are like kites soaring in the sky and fish jumping out of the water. For it is an awakening immortal surviving thousands and thousands of catastrophes. If you cannot find the way to return home this time, you have to wait for over 129,600 years. The lost cannot comprehend this at all. Attaching yourselves overly to the mortal world and falling into the abyss. In the beginning Lao Mu sent you to the mortal world. Life was indeed miserable without the five grains, now everything is complete. Yet you are attached to wine and lust and do not return home.

You have completed forgotten what Lao Mu has reminded you. Pursuing after fame and fortune and conspiring bad deeds or tricking will be useless at the end. Additionally there will be plagues and wars, droughts, floods and famines are really tragic. These tragic events will happen everywhere when that destiny matures. When the violent wind blows, there will hardly be any escape. Heaven descend "Gang Feng" which covers the clouds completely. This will kill almost all the children, unless you have your names listed on the Heavenly Roll, so you will be saved and worry free. The last catastrophe is the "Gang Feng" Catastrophe, which is worse than explosion of nuclear bombs.

Those who are predestined to encounter will meet even though they are thousand of miles apart. Otherwise they will not reconize each other even when meet face to face. If you are truly the nine-two children, you will long to see Lao Mu even if you die in grievance. You are willing to endure all the testings and sufferings without any regret. By doing so, you will be praised as a truly remarkable nine-two. Those without pre-destiny, no matter how much you talk to them, they will stare at you as a joke. They will praise Tao in front of you but criticize it as heresy behind your back. Do not try to exhort this kind of person, even if they receive Tao, they will not advance. They are not the pure souls, thus they are either not predestined or unable to participate. Just like how could a brick be grounded into a mirror. No matter how they conspire or trick, deities above record all the deeds, just wait until the day when Tao of Heaven becomes evident. In a boom of the thunder, they turn to ashes.

Today's society is quite different from the ancient days. The good people are all dominated by the evil. Lao Mu grieves deeply in the heart. So Lao Mu sends all deities to the mortal world and Mi-Le Buddha (Maitreya Buddha) to oversee Tao. All Buddhas and Patriarchs expound and propagate Tao. Firstly Lao Mu flourishes factions to pass on the scriptures so that all worship in the temple to lock up the hearts. Subsequently, the true Tao is revealed to the world.

Everyone seeks the Enlightened Teacher to point to the Right Portal. It had been a long wait since Lao Mu dispatched Mi-Le Buddha to the mortal world. While Lao Mu was sighing in grief, suddenly, Mi-Le Buddha arrived in front of the Lotus Throne. He knelt down on both knees, facing Lao Mu.

Before he spoke, Mi-Le's tears could not stop rolling down. Lao Mu said, "My son, get up from your knees and have a seat." Mi Le replied, "Thank you Lao Mu for allowing me to sit."

Mi Le Buddha weeping endlessly said that all Buddhas and Patriarchs have lost their True Selves and refused to return to the Heaven Palace. They have lost their True Selves and displayed their talents. Practising heresies, luring men and women and unwillingly to return home. Death follows birth and birth follows death, their True Selves are lost. Born as the son of "Chang" or the daughter of the "Lee," they reincarnate endlessly. Attached to the mortal world and pursuing fame and fortune, they fall into a deep pit. They ridicule the last catastrophe as rumours, longing for the material world and they commit many sins. How can they return to Heaven without studying the scriptures of the three great religions? I have clearly stated the fact from the beginning to the end one by one.

Lao Mu felt so shuddered and fearful by what was told. Nevertheless, Lao Mu wants you to re-descend to the mortal world to ferry the children home. You and only you; can amass souls on earth. Whatever slanders that might arise, just let them breeze by like wind. Use your mercifulness to touch the children. Lao Mu will ordain you to oversee the amassment of souls. If you use mercifulness to touch them, eventually there will be righteous souls aboard the shore. "You are in charge of the great mission of amassing souls. Gather all the remaining souls in the three Long-Hua Assembly."

Author: T.A Chew
Website: http://www.white-sun.com

T.A Chew, an accountant by profession, was told in the year 1993 by a deity that Mi Le Buddha in 12 years time (2005) needs him to do a very great mission. Now he realized that this mission is to spread the words of Tao of Heaven throughout the world by the power of the internet, for example this article.