Infighting Labor VS Corporate Executives, Who Started It?

It seems like whenever we open the financial news we see the unions suing a company or going on strike, claiming the company is cheating them, over working them, unsafe work place, not enough benefits, low pay or messing with their pensions. Then they say that the company executives get paid too much. The company then says that the employees do work slow down, want money the company needs to operate, expand or pay in dividends to keep shareholders from dumping the stock.

There is so much infighting in the largest US corporations that it is amazing they are productive at all, in fact many are not, with more bureaucracy and inefficiencies than the United States Government. Often the employees feel cheated on their promise for their pension, benefits and potential for upward mobility and pay raises. We all agree and realize that some of these issues are reality based and exist. And should realize that the modern employee also is somewhat to blame for lack of work ethic and switching jobs every 2.3 years on average while demanding the world. And okay, yes, I agree that we have Infighting between Labor and Corporate Executives, but I ask the question; who started it? I do not know who started it, but a company which fully trains someone, that person up and leaves saying thanks a lot and see you later is problematic to say the least. Look how many companies are on your resume, if you have one you see? Not good or bad, it maybe fewer than most actually and in that case good for you, you are a team player. Read this:

Now many will say that;