How Using One Single Marketing Tool Can Skyrocket Your Email List by up to 900%!

Exciting title, isn't it? I know you're wondering what that powerful marketing tactic is, so we'll just get straight to the point. No matter how you feel about pop-up ads now, you will hopefully realize by the end of this lesson that they are the single most effective way of increasing your opt-in email list - Hands Down! Before we start, I'd like to first do a little bit of "myth busting". Myth: 'Pop-up Ads Are A Nuisance and Do NOT Work'. Of course, we have all encountered an annoying pop-up advertisement over the past few years of surfing the web. You're bound to run into a website that delivers you an incredibly absurd pop-up advertisement - one that has absolutely nothing to do with the content on their site. Obviously, these pop-ups will never be effective at increasing click-throughs. All they will do is push away the visitors. Typical examples I'm talking about might include golfing sites, guitar tab sites, and vacation sites. These website owners are using their pop-ups irresponsibly. Think about it...Who in their right mind that is looking for fishing equipment would opt-in on a pop-up ad dealing with lawn mowers? I know you want to laugh about this - but you would be surprised with what some website owners are doing with their pop-ups. Some of these website owners have been given an opportunity to advertise for a another company (possibly another business that the same individual owns) and they decide to waste their precious pop-ups with these absurd ads - in this case, a fishing site is advertising for lawn equipment. It's all fine and dandy to advertise for another website, but there is absolutely no reason for the fishing website owner to waste his pop-up advertisements on lawn equipment - and in turn, annoy any visitor looking for fishing gear. Not only will this do no good in terms of "click-throughs" and sales, but the fishing website will certainly push away its visitors who truly want to purchase fishing stuff. These website owners are the exact same ones who are giving the rest of us who properly use pop-ups a bad wrap. Internet marketers are experienced and intelligent, so they would never do that. It's those irresponsible website owners that have turned the 'once well-liked pop-up' into a nuisance for many people. These businesses are simply not using pop-ups properly and maturely. And quite honestly, I don't like all of the negative hype about pop-ups when I know for a fact that they work - if used properly. If visitors seem to be irritated by all pop-ups, why are so many well-known and recognized Internet marketers still using them? According to Nielson-Netratings (a premiere online statistics resource), in the last 2 years, the number of pop-ups delivered to web users has more than tripled. The truth is...the concept of pop-ups works - why else would you see a dramatic 2-year, three-fold increase in their usage? Any good marketer will tell you they are an extremely powerful tool for instantly increasing your sales and dramatically skyrocketing the number of new subscribers to your newsletter, creating loyal buyers of your product. I was recently reading an article on, written by the late Corey Rudl. If you don't know who Corey was, he was once one of the biggest Internet marketing gurus on the planet until his untimely passing. Anyway, in his article about techniques for increasing opt-ins, he provides the reader with several success stories of fellow Internet marketers who implemented pop-up ads into their marketing plan. If you're like me, I think you'll be astonished with the results.