Making Money Online When The Prospect Names His Own Price

I'm a plain man when it comes to making money online; I just do what I do and try to make an honest buck wherever I can without upsetting anyone. Now and again though fate steps in and sends you a prospect where you have to figure out for yourself where he or she is coming from and where in fact they think they're heading. I got one such prospect a few weeks ago in the shape of Rocco, a gentle giant from Brooklyn. How do I know Rocco is a giant? He emailed a picture of himself towering over his significant other and some friends. How do I know he's gentle? Read on... Rocco emailed me expressing interest in three of my products but he didn't want them in digital format (which would have cost him $107 in total) he wanted hard copy. I suggested CD formatting. He got back to me saying, "No, I don't want CDs, I want hard copy. I'll pay a grand" So now I thought, loony tunes, but I emailed Rocco back intimating that if he deposited $200 in my PayPal account I'd give him what he wanted; hard copy on all three products I reckoned I would hear no more but the following morning on checking my PayPal account I discovered to my astonishment that one thousand dollars had been deposited. I can't take this man's money I protested and I told him so. Rocco got back to me within the hour. His brusque message read, "I said a grand, I meant a grand, so take a grand". So I took Rocco's grand. Wouldn't you? I mean who wants to be emailed to death... The moral: Never assume you know better than prospects - or what they are prepared to pay - and why. Maybe Rocco has a sight problem beyond my ken or maybe he finds it difficult to read from a computer screen. I will never know for sure but this I do know. Rocco is delighted with the hard copy he craved. He told me so... in yet another email. Jim Green is an online enthusiast and bestselling author with an ever-growing string of niche non-fiction hard copy titles to his credit. You can view one of the products that captivated Rocco at this website: