When Viagra fails there's alternative options like Cialis

For many married couples sexual activity is very important in maintaining an intimate and satisfying relationship. Normal sexual function means being able to perform in a way that will satisfy both you and your spouse. Sexual dysfunction is very common among middle age males and females. Oral treatments with pills like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis have helped many male patients improve their sexual function. But what if Viagra does not live up to expectation? Samantha jones of http://www.mensgenerics.com states that many now prefer the long lasting effects of Cialis over viagra and have made the switch. The oral solution seems to be working says Anderson Doon of http://www.generictrader.net These oral medications work best for those who have normal sexual arousal and some function of their own. Inadequate arousal may be the result of testosterone deficiency. When oral medication doesn't work as expected we recommend concentrating on a proper environment free of stress. Stress to sexual function is like water on fire. A vacation away from home, just far enough not to hear the kids (no need to travel to Hawaii) with complete privacy, can work wonders. When the medication, desire and atmosphere are all at optimal levels but function still fails, another method of obtaining good function exists. One of the best means is a minor operation in which a penile prosthesis is implanted into the body. The penile prosthesis has been in use for more than 30 years, is safe and effective, and most patients who choose it are very satisfied.