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The first step towards diagnosis is knowing the Medical and Sexual history of the patient. The latter can help to determine the exact problem and also distinguish it from other problems (ejaculation, orgasm etc), while the former can be helpful in observing the effect of drugs and sometimes substituting them to alleviate the problem. The second step is to get a physical examination done as it can give clues to the precise systemic problem. For ex; the Doctor can know if it's a problem wit the nervous system or a hormonal problem. You can also get a laboratory test which includes, blood counts, urinals etc. Psychological examination involving a questionnaire and an interview can also help to determine expectations, anxiety and perceptions during sexual intercourse In older men Erectile dysfunction almost always has a physical reason, for example- a disease, injury or sometimes even side effects of drugs. Any disorder that causes an injury to the nerves or prevents blood flow to the penis has the danger to cause Erectile dysfunction. The danger of Erectile dysfunction also increases with age, but it is definitely not an inevitable part of aging. Lifestyle choices too pose as a threat-heart disease, vascular problems, smoking, being overweight and neglecting exercise can also raise the risk of Erectile dysfunction. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, low self esteem, fear of sexual failure are responsible for 40 to 20 % of Erectile dysfunction cases. Other causes include smoking as it affects the blood flow in the veins and arteries and also hormonal insufficiencies, like not having enough Testosterone. TREATMENT Erectile dysfunction is treatable at any age. Its treatment can vary from person to person, but some common methods tried are: Lifestyle changes (quitting smoking, exercising etc). Cutting back on drugs with harmful side effects and using substitute's (Blood pressure medicines etc). Oral or Local injection of drugs (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, etc). Vacuum devices and surgically implanted devices. Psychotherapy and behavior modification can also help in certain cases. The cheapest Viagra, Cialis and Levitra in generic form is from