What is AIDS HIV? AIDS, or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, is caused by HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). HIV is passed from one person to another through blood and sexual contact.when HIV/AIDS was first recognized as a new illness, scientists have learned much about how a person becomes infected with HIV. The virus is spread through contact with an infected person s body fluids, especially through blood, semen and vaginal fluids.Within the past two decades, about 60 million people worldwide have become infected with HIV. More than 20 million have died. More than 90% of these people live in developing countries. There are no specific symptoms of HIV infection or AIDS. AIDS includes a variety of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections.These infections and cancers may affect the digestive, nervous, respiratory, muscular, circulatory, and lymphatic, as well as the immune systems of the body.An infection has developed, causing certain types of pneumonia, diarrhea, eye infections or meningitis. Symptoms for AIDS (HIV): The following symptoms may be other signs of HIV infection: Rapid weight loss that is not due to increased physical exercise or dieting. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Swelling or hardening of glands located in the throat, armpit, or groin. Severe numbness or pain in the hands or feet, the loss of muscle control and reflex, paralysis or loss of muscular strength.An altered state of consciousness, personality change, or mental deterioration. What Causes Of AIDS (HIV)? The Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) must get into the bloodstream in order to infect people. This can happen through vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, giving oral sex, sharing needles, breast-feeding from mother to child and through receiving a blood transfusion. Infection of HIV requires these three conditions to be fulfilled: 1.There must be exposure to pre-cum, semen, vaginal secretions, blood, or breast milk. 2.A fresh cut, open sore, abrasion, etc. has to exist in order to allow the virus to get directly into the bloodstream. 3.Since the virus does not survive more than a few minutes outside the body, the transmission must be rapid. Treatment & Medication for AIDS (HIV): Your doctor may choose a combination of drugs to fight HIV infection.These drugs are called antiretroviral therapy your doctor hopes to increase the effectiveness of AIDS treatment by attacking HIV at multiple points.The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved more than 22 drugs for treating AIDS-related conditions, including drugs that fight opportunistic infections and Kaposi s sarcoma. Tropical Medications: Astragalus Astragalus Extract Full Spectrum Cat s Claw Astragalus Glycerine Extract Home Care Suggestions: Several herbs and supplements can be used. A high resisting, immune building diet is primary for success in overcoming AIDS and related conditions. Use olive oil and eat fish (salmon or other cold water varieties) for protein. More Detail about Aids Hiv