Introduction to Fasting

Fasting, in its simplest definition, is giving up anything for a specific period of time. Typically, we think of fasting as is in giving up food or water as in a fasting diet. In this regard, there are basically three types of fasts: a total fast in which you give up all food and water, a water fast, in which you give up all food and drink only water, and a juice fast, in which you give up solid foods but drink only fresh juices. There are different reasons for fasting as well. The three main reasons for fasting are: 1. Weight loss. This type of fasts has the end goal of losing weight. If you take in less calories than you burn, the end result should be weight loss. So if you give up solid foods for let's say a week or so, and drink only juice and water, you should be able to lose a fair amount of weight. This is the theory behind weight-loss fasting. Obviously, weight-loss fasting should not be attempted, or started, without first consulting a medical professional. 2. Religion. Most religious texts including the Bible, refer to fasting and prayer. Fasting, is a way to show obedience and faithfulness to God. When we fast, we are sacrificing our carnal instinct to heat and drink. This is pleasing to God. Also, when we fast, it alters our mind. This is said by some to cause a deeper relationship with God. In the Old Testament, many times God's chosen people were called to fasting and prayer. There are many examples where God answered the prayers of his people when they fasted and pray to him. 3. Health. They held fast typically involves either a water fast or a juice fast. With this type of fast, solid foods are given out for a set period of time sometimes as long as several weeks. The only substance allowed to enter the body would be pure water or fresh fruit and vegetable juices. This has the healthful benefit of cleansing the body and eliminating toxins that have built up in the intestinal tract. When water fasting, typically distilled water is used. Never use faucet or tap water when water fasting. Tap water contains harmful chemicals that can cause more damage when you are fasting. This is because the only liquid entering the body is water it is assimilated very quickly. This causes the harmful chemicals to be rapidly absorbed as well. Distilled water contains no harmful chemicals or bacteria and in fact, can pull harmful toxins out of the body. Whatever the reason, fasting can be a healthy choice for your body, soul, and mind. Whether your goal is weight-loss, health, or a deeper relationship with God, a fast can be a beneficial activity to try. The most important thing about fasting, is to not give up. The first couple of hours of fast are the most difficult ones. Even two to three hours without food can seem like an eternity we are used to eating at any time. We live in a society where food is easily and readily available. When we deprive our bodies of this food, it can cause severe mental distress. However, the body will adjust to your fast. Just give it time and remember that your mind is what is craving the food. Your body can survive several days without food. Once you get past this initial thought, your fast can be an enjoyable and healthful benefit.