Enuresis is Something to Talk About

Enuresis, or bedwetting, is common in children as they grow up. Almost everyone has experienced this in their lifetime at least once, so the commonality of this issue should be easy to discuss. However, in many homes it is an issue never faced and the child is left feeling embarrassed and unsure as to what is happening to their body. The best way of consoling a child that is facing enuresis is for the parent to gain more than basic knowledge of it. There are two types of enuresis: primary and secondary. Primary enuresis is when the control of the bladder was never attained and secondary is when the child has had control, but has since lost it. The second one is the most prevalent in children, and it happens to more boys than girls. Millions of children experience it and eventually grow out of it by the age of 6. For some, it is an ongoing battle that doesn't seem to have an ending. The cause of bedwetting is unknown although it has been researched extensively. Severe enuresis could have a physical or psychological reason. Physically, constipation has been looked at as a contributing factor, and once the constipation had been treated, the bedwetting subsided. This could also be a problem for children with diabetes or any other metabolic condition. Urinary tract infections have also been a culprit of enuresis. Typically with these types of cases, the child will complain of not feeling good or having pain. If the child doesn't fall under one of these physical explanations, you can begin to look at the psychological aspects of bedwetting. A psychological reason for bedwetting could be delayed development or a child that has been rushed into potty training. Enuresis has also been used as an early diagnosis for ADD/ADHD. Stress should also be considered a reason, and the parents should ask themselves if their child is going through any situations that could cause them stress such as a new baby, moving, beginning school, or a painful loss. One of the more popular theories is enuresis by genetic link. If both parents have a history of enuresis as a child, their own child has a greater chance of having it themselves. Even if one parent has had a history of bedwetting, the child has a greater possibility of having enuresis than if he had none. At the first sign of enuresis, the parent should reassure the child that this is a natural part of growing up and eventually it will go away. Sharing your own experiences with this problem could also benefit the child. Giving such information to the child allows them to feel less alone and strange about their situation. Fear and embarrassment could heighten bedwetting even more. Consult the doctor if you feel that your child's enuresis has surpassed being a common childhood rite of passage. Any complaints of physical pain or noticeable mood changes are a good indicator that there is something more than just bedwetting at night. Also, if the child begins to wet their pants during the day, and there is no real explanation, your pediatrician should be notified. It's safe to say that most enuresis cases will end eventually and without precedence. Copyright