How to Control High Blood Pressure?

How High Blood Pressure is Started? When the force of the blood gushing against the walls of the blood vessels (the tiny tubes that carry blood throughout your body) is higher than normal because the blood vessels have either become less able to stretch or have gotten smaller; then the patient is suffering from High Blood Pressure or Hypertension.Hypertention is the main reason of high blood pressure about 85% of hypertention cases in people over 45 years of age.High blood pressure, or hypertension, is divided into two stages. Stage 1 hypertension -- Systolic blood pressure between 140 and 159 and/or diastolic blood pressure between 90 and 99 Stage 2 hypertension -- Systolic blood pressure greater than 160 and/or distolic blood pressure greater than 100. Symptoms: High Blood Pressure can develop over many years with no noticeable symptoms. High blood pressure can cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue and ringing in the ears. Nose bleeds and Loss of vision. Prevention: Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Stop Smoking. Smoking is directly linked with the development of coronary artery disease. Limit your intake of salt and alcoholic beverages. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, and food high in fiber--- and less fat. Exercise regularly and keep your weight within normal limits. Treatment: Doctors and people with high blood pressure usually prefer to control it with lifestyle changes, but sometimes medication is needed to provide adequate control.Many medicine are to treat high blood pressure or hypertention some useful medicine are as follows. Acerola Plus C-1000 Timed Release Aangamik DMG Liquid Acerola Plus Sugar-Free Diet & home care suggestions: 1.Use olive and flaxseed oil. 2.Salt promotes retention of fluids and increases blood pressure. Reduce the intake of salt in your daily diet. 3.Garlic is very effective in lowering high blood pressure. 4.Monitor blood pressure daily and maintain a chart. 5.Stop smoking. Smoking leads to coronary artery disease, which can cause high blood pressure. More Info About High Blood Pressure