Sciatica & Back Pain - 7 Simple Things You Can Do To Stop It

The Good News The good news is that by doing the right back exercises in the right way, you have a great chance of stopping your sciatica and back pain and keeping your back healthy and strong. Even if your back already hurts, or is strained, there is a good chance that you can make it better. (Note: If you're sick, or your back really hurts and you think you've injured yourself, make sure you see a health practitioner first.) The Not-So-Good News If you don't exercise reasonably regularly, especially as you age, the muscles supporting and surrounding your back will eventually get weak and stiff. Then these muscles won't be able to work well enough when you most need them to - when you put a strain on your back. This means it's much more likely that your will injure your back when you do place a strain - even a small strain - on it. Your back can get injured from an action as simple as reaching for something on your desk, or from a more obvious strain such as lifting something heavy, especially if your posture is bad as you do it. Why Back Problems Tend to Hang Around Your back is a complicated mechanical system with many moving parts. This is why the condition of the surrounding muscles is so important in supporting it and holding everything in alignment. Studies have shown the muscles that provide support to your back behave differently to other muscles. The key difference is that they are slower to automatically "switch back on" (i.e. return to their previous level of function) after an injury or a strain. Unless they are triggered by exercise, they can take a long time to return to their previous level of function. Worst case without the right exercise, they may never return to full function and so your back doesn't get the support it needs. When these supporting muscles are working properly, they respond to signals from your brain by clenching or bracing fractionally before a strain impacts your back. This means your back is supported as the strain arrives and so the chance of (further) injury or strain is reduced. When this mechanism is not working properly and the muscles don't trigger, your back is left unsupported and thus you are more likely to re-injure or strain your back. This is why back problems can be so difficult to get rid of once you start having them and why you can suffer from recurring back problems. This is also the reason regular exercise is so important - it helps to keep your supporting muscles active and able to do their job. 7 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Your Back 1. Stand upright and pay attention to posture - don't slouch. 2. Sit upright at your desk with your lower back slightly curved. Don't slump in your chair or hunch over your keyboard. Set your workstation up correctly - screen at eye level. 3. Change your position frequently. Get up and walk around every 20-30 minutes even if it's only for 30 seconds. 4. Eat healthily and manage your weight. Extra weight, especially around your waist, strains your back. A simple diet with a good selection of fresh foods is one of the keys to overall health. 5. Do specific back strengthening exercises. (Find out about the Better Back System). 6. Also exercise to strengthen your stomach and 'core' muscles which help support your back. 7. Push rather than pull heavy objects. If you're lifting something heavy, use your leg muscles and hold it close to your body. Don't bend over and strain your back. We recommend the Better Back System which you can try this at home to see if it works for you without any risk. It uses a set of special exercises that you can do at home in about 5 minutes a day with a 97% cchance of success and without having to trek to the gym, or fill your cupboard full of equipment. There's no mystery really! When you take action on a few key things, you're on the road to a better back, ending your back pain and sciatica and ensuring good health.