What is the mysterious Niche Market?

The Niche Market is a shy creature. It hides away, watching for the opportune moment to leap into your spotlight when its name is called. Then it comes arunning. It's very friendly and loyal when you get to know it. But treat it like any other creature or call out the wrong name and it runs away again into the shadows. If you think of a supermarket as the big sell-all-market, then to seek out a niche market, you walk your trolley along several aisles to the supermarket's Bakery Department. There you seek out the nan bread packs. If you're buying a red plastic hair comb you've come to wrong place. Your journey to the fabled Red Plastic Hair Comb Niche Market is not pie in the sky, it's not even in the Bakery Department. The red plastic hair comb buyer, bows a head in disappointment and shuffles from the Bakery Department in search of the Niche Market, far away in Aisle 4. How could so much time and effort be wasted seeking out nan breads? You can't comb your hair with a nan bread. A Niche Market is a well defined cluster of individuals with broadly similar interests, needs and desires who buy specific items for specific reasons. Don't confuse hair combs with nan breads. Suppose you are selling nan breads online. To increase your visitors numbers, you will need to research the websites where those individuals interested in eating nan bread visit. Get to know this nan bread eater. Research the key words and the essental information that excite nan bread eaters. Now describe your perfect nan bread buying customer to discover what a Niche Market is. Use this information on your website. Article by Mike Lindley. Contact txtmssnger@yahoo.co.uk This is one of many thought provoking techniques taught at www.InternetProfitMentor.com Audio. Video. Text. Free course materials. Hints and Tips.