Battle Of The Bulge - Cellulite Wars

Cellulite treatment has grown in popularity in today's beauty conscious world. In an age where almost any imperfection can be countered, cellulite treatment has drawn droves of women of all ages seeking a firmer, sleeker physique. 1. What Is Cellulite? Cellulite is the uneven dimpling of the skin due to the accumulation of superficial fat in the body. It develops in the subcutaneous layer of the skin. This causes the ugly bulging and dimpling of the skin that women hate. Q. Is Cellulite Fat? A. Cellulite is different from fat. Their main difference lies in the fact that cellulite is lumpy and often occurs on specific parts of the body while fat is not and does not. Q. Do Only Women Get Cellulite? A. Although cellulite occurs most often in women, men too get cellulite. Q. What Causes Cellulite? A. Cellulite is caused by a number of reasons. The primary reason among them is the effect of hormones on the body. Unfortunately, cellulite cannot be treated by hormone therapy. Q. Does Cellulite Only Affect Old People? A. No, Cellulite usually shows between 25 to 35 years of age. Sometimes it occurs earlier. Q. How Can I Reduce The Chances of Getting Cellulite? A. Exercise, and drink enough water 2. Diet and Exercise As with most treatment, prevention is always better than cure. A good diet and some exercise will do much to help you avoid cellulite. Some people think that exercise will help get rid of cellulite. Others think there isn't much that can be done about it. Exercise can actually help by increasing blood flow to the affected areas, therefore reducing the accumulation of fat. A good diet helps reduce build up of cellulite. Plus, it prevents it from building up in the first place. Sufficient water will also help in this regard. Also do make it a point to avoid drinks like coffee and alcohol. 3. Anti Cellulite Creams: Bane or Boon This is the treatment of choice for most ladies who find it daunting to fix their diet or to undergo expensive treatment. These creams, however, do not actually treat cellulite. They only induce a smoother, plumper feel. To sustain the appearance of smoothness, the user must continually apply the cream every so often. 4. Surgical Treatment and Surgeries Liposuction removes unwanted fat from specific areas that exhibit cellulite. During the past decade, liposuction, or lipoplasty or suction lipectomy has improved with the times. Today, many versions of this procedure exist - procedures such as ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), the tumescent technique, and the super-wet technique. These treatments should only be considered when the chips are down and the body does not respond to conventional treatments. 5. Mesotherapy Among the skin treatments today, mesotherapy is the most popular and most successful. Mesotherapy is a safe, noninvasive procedure that gets rid of cellulite, improves skin tone and decreases wrinkles.