Do You Realize

Do you realize the if we were to quit buying oil from the Arabs, that they would more that likely go out of business, just think about the power that this gives us over them and what they do, they are wealthy and powerful because of the USA, and the oil that we buy from them, their oil companies make billions of dollars per year, and most of it is being sold to our country. So the question that I want to pose, is why are they allowed to import their oil to our country if we know that they support all the things that we are against, I've got a word that I'm fully sure that you have heard once or twice, that word it activists, naturalist, tree hugger, the other word for it is whiner, these people for no good reason, are keeping most of the oil wells in our country capped off. And yes we still drill and find more oil every day, but they continue to put moronic rules on the oil industry in our country, and make them cap more and more wells all the time, here is some of the whining that I have heard, if we uncap the oil wells in our country, we will lose all that ecology around the areas where we allow them to open the well, would you rather lose a little of the surrounding environment, or our country, our home land. If we could use just half of the oil wells that we have, things could be a lot different in this country, if you read my articles, then you've heard me talking about buying American products, this is one of those products that we could start to buy more of, if the activists would just shut up and think before they open their big mouths. We could be keeping billions dollars that are going to the Arabs as we speak, or I guess you could locate the gas stations that use American oil and buy their gas, but that's not the point that I'm trying to make here, the infusion of money that using American oil instead of Arab oil could bring to this country would go a long way toward curing the national debt that we carry right now. We have a huge reserve of our own resources, and if we start to use them, this will help loosen up the strangle hold that the Arabs have on our country as far as the oil and gasoline go, but so many people in this country just don't think before they go out and raise all kinds of hell for some ridiculous cause, that can't possibly help anybody. Yeah so we lose a little bit of the wilderness, to gain our independence from Arab oil, in my opinion that's not a lot to give up, if it helps us take a little control back from the Arabs in this area, just think if we kept that 100 Billion or so dollars here in our country, every year, rather then letting the Arabs have it, it could do a lot for our country. It stands to reason that if we keep our money in our country that it will help us out a lot more in the long run, and at the same time loosen up the Arabs grip on our oil industry, and return some of the power to our country, because if you think about it, we really are the ones in control here, just open our oil wells up, and put a moratorium on oil being imported from other countries.