Seeing the World Through Islamic Eyes

It is time to dispel widespread myths and misconceptions about this important religion and to see what the Bible says about Islam and the world's future! NOT SINCE the days of the Crusades has religion played such a crucial role in world affairs. From Morocco to Indonesia, Islam is reemerging as a political and religious force that cannot be ignored. Moslems are reasserting their faith--culturally, spiritually and politically. "God may be Head in the West," one observer has commented, "but He is very much alive in the Middle East!" Westerners Confused Few topics have created as much misunderstanding in the Western world as that of Islam. Most Westerners do not begin to comprehend even the most basic tenets of that important faith. They view it largely from a standpoint of ignorance and uninformed impressions. Yet few topics arc as vital to understand during this momentous last quarter of the 20th century! Moslems are well aware of how Western cartoonists depict them, how Hollywood portrays them, how Westerners write about them. The exaggerated and misleading stereo