You Gotta Wanna

Seven Keys for Rut-Free Living on the Road of Life Are you stuck, stuck, stuck in a rut on the road of life? It's frustrating. Like a car stuck in a rut, you just spin your tires, rocking back and forth in place but never covering any ground. You know that you should move forward, but instead of taking that small initial step, you perpetuate your "stuck-ness" by doing everything--and anything--else. You water the plants, pour another cup of coffee, check the mail, rearrange the papers on your desk, or call a friend. Yet what you resist persists, emptying you of energy, joy, and enthusiasm. So how do you get back on track, refill your "gas tank," and start moving again in the direction of your hopes and dreams? Here are seven keys to help you break free from your rut and go merrily on your way: 1. You Gotta Wanna You have to step out of believing that you are a victim of the school of hard knocks. You always have choices. Even though you can't always control the circumstances of your life, you CAN control the way you view them and the way you respond to them. Even though you may not have the fastest or newest car, you CAN decide what direction you're going to steer. Use the power of positive thinking to gain a fresh perspective and try a new path. Going down the same old road of thought patterns will not get you where we want to go if it's the WRONG road, no matter how fast you drive. 2. Admit that you're stuck Once you're stuck, it's impossible to free yourself from your well-worn rut without first admitting to yourself that you're stuck. As odd as it sounds, even though you don't like being stuck, it can feel more familiar to you than facing the unknowns that come hand-in-hand with change. Acknowledging that you're stuck is essential for getting back on the road of freedom with a renewed sense of energy and purpose. 3. Discover what it is you want You may feel totally detoured from knowing your own dreams. All of your energy may have gone into fulfilling everyone else's needs. But your dreams and longings are equally as important. Remember, you teach people how to treat you by how you treat yourself. The journey of self-love is the tow rope that pulls you free. Dare to declare the things you want, and involve yourself with the people and things that feed your inner spirit. Become discerning about when you respond with an authentic "yes," or when you say "yes" out of obligation. A truthful "no" is truly more loving than a resentful "yes," and affords you the energy you need to move forward out of your rut. Leaps of faith are great, but small steps are okay, too. Set realistic expectations so you can experience a sense of success rather than setting yourself up for failure. 4. Shine light on your excuses You've got them. We all do. You're too tired. It's too late. You don't have enough energy. There's not enough time. You don't have enough money. Everyone else needs your attention. Work is too demanding. By dragging your excuses out into the open, you become more conscious. Consciousness leads to greater creativity and energy. With energy you become proactive. With action and a sense of your own worth comes freedom from your stuck place. 5. Vision Your thoughts influence your reality. Stretch to imagine being "rut-free." Visualize yourself full of energy, direction, passion and clarity. Allow the feeling to penetrate your body and your Spirit as if what you dream of is already so. Believing is seeing, even though you were taught the opposite. By seeing it and feeling it as if it is already so, you begin to move forward on your journey, taking the necessary and incremental steps toward embracing change. 6. See mistakes as an opportunity to learn Make a list of ideas. Complete your list before passing judgment and consider every possibility--no matter how big, small, crazy or impossible it may seem. Allow mistakes to become your opportunity to learn. If Edison hadn't made a few mistakes, you'd still be reading this in the dark! 7. Just start moving Yoda, from Star Wars, reminds us to "Do or do not, there is no try." Trying is a state of inaction. Even the smallest step is important. The size doesn't matter; what matters is that you dare to take the step. It informs the Universe that you are ready to fly. If you're not sure what to do, just do anything other than what you're doing in your rut. Find a mentor, take a class, ask for help, read a book, and, most important, learn to trust that your inner knowing will guide you. Apply everything you learn from your mistakes. Reach for excellence rather than perfection and remember that life is a journey, not a destination. Savor every moment. These seven keys will offer you the nudge you need to access the flow and help you to move out of your rut to make life meaningful. Your commitment to making your words and actions match empowers you to make the most out of this present moment, this precious present. For, after all, life is precious and it is a present...a gift amidst a magical mystery. Now is the only moment there truly is, and what you do with each moment to infuse it with love is what creates a journey of contentment regardless of the circumstances. Will you choose to stay in your rut of blame and self-doubt, or will you access your courage and creativity so life can be a joy ride every step of the way? Copyright 2006, all rights reserved Reprint permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print if the contact information signature box is included in publication.